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unless you hear otherwise

  • 1 unless

    unless [ən'les]
    à moins que + subjunctive, à moins de + infinitive;
    I'll go unless he phones first j'irai, à moins qu'il (ne) téléphone d'abord;
    unless I'm very much mistaken à moins que je ne me trompe;
    unless he pays me tomorrow, I'm leaving s'il ne m'a pas payé demain, je m'en vais;
    we won't get there on time unless we leave now nous ne serons pas à l'heure à moins de partir maintenant;
    I would always be back by 6.15, unless I was working late je rentrais toujours à 6 heures 15 au plus tard, sauf quand je travaillais tard;
    you won't win unless you practise vous ne gagnerez pas si vous ne vous entraînez pas;
    they won't agree unless I go myself ils n'accepteront pas si je n'y vais pas moi-même;
    don't speak unless spoken to ne parle que lorsqu'on t'adresse la parole;
    unless I hear otherwise or to the contrary sauf avis contraire, sauf contrordre;
    unless otherwise stated sauf indication contraire

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > unless

  • 2 unless

    1. cj если не, пока не

    I will come unless I change my mind — я приду, если не передумаю

    2. cj разве только, если только; не считая

    we had no snow this winter, unless in the mountain districts — в этом году у нас не было снега, если не считать горных районов

    unless it be for Henry nobody saw it — никто не видел этого, разве только Генри

    he never does anything unless compelled to — он ничего не делает, пока его не заставишь

    pay them unless you hear to the contrary — заплатите им, если только не получите других указаний

    3. cj «если не», оговорка

    he will burn himself out unless he gets some sleep — он измучается вконец, если не будет спать

    4. prep арх. кроме, за исключением
    Синонимический ряд:
    under different conditions (adj.) barring this; else; except that; if not; or else; other than; otherwise; under different conditions; without this

    English-Russian base dictionary > unless

  • 3 unless

    1 ( except if) à moins que (+ subj), à moins de (+ infinitive), sauf si (+ indic) ; he won't come unless you invite him il ne viendra pas à moins que tu (ne) l'invites or sauf si tu l'invites ; she can't take the job unless she finds a nanny elle ne peut pas accepter le poste à moins de trouver or à moins qu'elle (ne) trouve une nourrice ; I'll have the egg, unless anyone else wants it? je mangerai l'œuf, à moins que quelqu'un d'autre (ne) le veuille? ; unless I get my passport back, I can't leave the country si je ne récupère pas mon passeport je ne pourrai pas quitter le pays ; he threatened that unless they agreed to pay him he'd reveal the truth il a menacé de révéler la vérité s'ils refusaient de le payer ; it won't work unless you plug it in! ça ne marchera pas si tu ne le branches pas! ; she wouldn't go unless she was accompanied by her mother elle ne voulait y aller que si elle était accompagnée par sa mère ; unless I'm very much mistaken, that's Jim si je ne m'abuse fml or à moins que je (ne) me trompe, c'est Jim ; unless I hear to the contrary sauf contrordre ; unless otherwise agreed/stated sauf accord/avis contraire ;
    2 ( except when) sauf quand ; we eat out on Fridays unless one of us is working late nous mangeons au restaurant le vendredi sauf quand l'un de nous travaille tard.

    Big English-French dictionary > unless

  • 4 unless

    es sei denn; wenn... nicht

    I shall not do it unless I am paid for it — ich werde es nur tun, wenn ich dafür bezahlt werde

    I shall expect you tomorrow unless I hear from you/hear to the contrary — falls od. sofern ich nichts von dir/nichts Gegenteiliges höre, erwarte ich dich morgen

    I might go, but not unless I'm asked to — vielleicht gehe ich, aber nur, wenn man mich darum bittet

    unless I'm [very much] mistaken — wenn ich mich nicht [sehr] irre od. täusche

    unless otherwise indicated or stated — wenn nicht anders angegeben

    * * *
    1) (if not: Don't come unless I telephone.) wenn...nicht
    2) (except when: The directors have a meeting every Friday, unless there is nothing to discuss.) außer wenn
    * * *
    I. conj (except for when) außer wenn
    don't promise anything \unless you're 100 per cent sure mach' keine Versprechungen, es sei denn, du bist hundertprozentig sicher!
    we'll do it \unless we're told otherwise wir machen es, sofern man uns nichts anderes sagt
    \unless otherwise agreed soweit nichts Gegenteiliges vereinbart
    II. prep außer + dat
    * * *
    es sei denn; (at beginning of sentence) wenn... nicht, sofern... nicht

    don't do it unless I tell you tomach das nicht, es sei denn, ich sage es dir

    unless I tell you to, don't do it — sofern or wenn ich es dir nicht sage, mach das nicht

    unless I am mistaken... — wenn or falls ich mich nicht irre...

    unless there is an interruption — vorausgesetzt, alles läuft ohne Unterbrechung

    * * *
    unless [ənˈles; ʌn-]
    A konj wenn … nicht, sofern … nicht
    B präp außer
    * * *
    es sei denn; wenn... nicht

    I shall not do it unless I am paid for it — ich werde es nur tun, wenn ich dafür bezahlt werde

    I shall expect you tomorrow unless I hear from you/hear to the contrary — falls od. sofern ich nichts von dir/nichts Gegenteiliges höre, erwarte ich dich morgen

    I might go, but not unless I'm asked to — vielleicht gehe ich, aber nur, wenn man mich darum bittet

    unless I'm [very much] mistaken — wenn ich mich nicht [sehr] irre od. täusche

    unless otherwise indicated or stated — wenn nicht anders angegeben

    * * *
    außer wenn konj.
    bis konj.
    es sei denn konj.
    wenn konj.
    wenn nicht konj.

    English-german dictionary > unless

  • 5 unless

    1) (if not: Don't come unless I telephone.) a menos que
    2) (except when: The directors have a meeting every Friday, unless there is nothing to discuss.) a menos que; excepto cuando
    unless conj a menos que / a no ser que / si no
    1 a menos que, a no ser que
    1 salvo, excepto
    unless [ən'lɛs] conj
    : a menos que, salvo que, a no ser que
    a menos que conj.
    a no ser que conj.
    excepto prep.
    ʌn'les, ən-
    conjunction a no ser que (+ subj), a menos que (+ subj)

    unless I'm very much mistaken — si no estoy muy equivocada, a menos que or a no ser que esté muy equivocada

    CONJ a menos que + subjun, a no ser que + subjun

    unless he comes tomorrow — a menos que venga mañana, a no ser que venga mañana

    unless I hear to the contrary — a menos que me digan lo contrario, a no ser que me digan lo contrario

    I won't come unless you phone me — no vendré a menos que me llames, no vendré a no ser que me llames

    unless I am mistaken, we're lost — si no me equivoco, estamos perdidos

    * * *
    [ʌn'les, ən-]
    conjunction a no ser que (+ subj), a menos que (+ subj)

    unless I'm very much mistaken — si no estoy muy equivocada, a menos que or a no ser que esté muy equivocada

    English-spanish dictionary > unless

  • 6 avis

    avis [avi]
    1. masculine noun
       a. ( = opinion) opinion
    on ne te demande pas ton avis ! who asked you?
       b. ( = conseil) advice uncount
       c. ( = notification) notice
    avis aux amateurs ! (inf) any takers? (inf)
    avis au public public notice ; ( = en-tête) notice to the public
    avis de recherche ( = affiche) [de criminel] wanted poster ; [de disparu] missing person poster
    * * *
    nom masculin invariable
    1) ( opinion) opinion ( sur on, about)
    2) ( conseil) advice ( sur on, about)
    3) (de jury, commission) recommendation

    avis favorable/défavorable — favourable [BrE]/unfavourable [BrE] recommendation

    4) ( annonce) notice

    avis à la population — ( affiche) public notice; ( cri) public announcement

    lancer un avis de recherche — ( pour un disparu) to issue a description of a missing person; ( pour un malfaiteur) to issue a description of a wanted person

    Phrasal Verbs:

    deux avis valent mieux qu'unProverbe two heads are better than one

    * * *
    avi nm
    1) (= opinion) opinion

    J'aimerais avoir ton avis. — I'd like to have your opinion.

    je suis de votre avis — I share your opinion, I am of your opinion

    J'ai changé d'avis. — I've changed my mind.

    2) (= notification) notice
    * * *
    avis nm inv
    1 ( opinion) opinion (sur on, about); à mon avis in my opinion; je ne partage pas votre avis I don't share your opinion; les avis sur la question sont partagés opinions differ; je suis de ton avis I agree with you; je suis du même avis I agree, I think the same, I'm of the same opinion; je suis d'un avis contraire I disagree, I think differently, I'm of the opposite opinion; être d'avis que to be of the opinion that; donner son/un avis sur qch to give one's/an opinion on sth; de l'avis général in most people's opinion; de or selon l'avis des spécialistes in the opinion of specialists; de l'avis même des spécialistes in the specialists' own opinion; demander son avis à qn to ask sb his/her opinion; on ne leur a pas demandé leur avis! nobody asked for their opinion!; changer d'avis to change one's mind; tu ne me feras pas changer d'avis you won't make me change my mind; ⇒ chemise;
    2 ( conseil) advice (sur on, about); sans avis médical without consulting your doctor; sauf avis contraire unless you hear to the contrary, unless otherwise informed sout (de qn by sb);
    3 (de jury, commission etc) recommendation; avis favorable/défavorable favourableGB/unfavourableGB recommendation;
    4 ( annonce) notice; avis à la population ( affiche) public notice; ( cri) public announcement; ‘cet avis tient lieu de faire-part’ ( dans journal) ‘no individual announcements will be sent’; ‘avis de recherche’ ‘wanted’; lancer/faire paraître un avis de recherche ( pour un disparu) to issue/to publish a description of a missing person; ( pour un malfaiteur) to issue/publish a description of a wanted person.
    avis de coup de vent Météo, Naut gale warning; avis de crédit credit advice ou note; avis de débit debit advice ou note; avis de décès death notice; avis d'échéance Assur renewal notice; avis au lecteur foreword; avis de mise en recouvrement demand for payment (of money owed to the Treasury); avis de passage calling card (left by meter reader, postman etc).
    deux avis valent mieux qu'un two heads are better than one.
    [avi] nom masculin
    1. [point de vue] opinion, viewpoint
    avoir son ou un avis sur quelque chose to have views on something
    j'aimerais avoir votre avis I'd like to hear your views ou to know what you think (about it)
    demande ou prends l'avis d'un second médecin ask the opinion of another doctor
    toi, je ne te demande pas ton avis! I didn't ask for your opinion!
    donner son avis to give ou to contribute one's opinion
    donner ou émettre un avis favorable
    a. [à une demande] to give the go-ahead
    b. [à une proposition] to give a positive response, to come out in favour
    après avis favorable, vous procéderez à l'expulsion having obtained permission (from the authorities), you will start the eviction procedure
    à mon avis, c'est un mensonge in my opinion, it's a lie, I think it's a lie
    du même avis (que)...: lui et moi ne sommes jamais du même avis he and I don't see eye to eye ou never agree on anything
    m'est avis que... (humoristique) it seems to me that..., methinks...
    sur l'avis de on the advice ou at the suggestion of
    2. [information] announcement
    [sommation - légale] notice ; [ - fiscale] notice, demand
    a. [de votre part] unless we hear otherwise ou to the contrary, we'll go
    b. [de notre part] unless you hear otherwise ou to the contrary, we'll go
    avis au public ‘public notice’
    a. [d'un criminel] wanted (person) poster
    b. [d'un disparu] missing person poster
    il reste encore quelques parts de gâteau, avis aux amateurs there's still some cake left if anyone's interested

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > avis

  • 7 principio

    1 beginning, start (comienzo).
    el principio del fin the beginning of the end
    del principio al fin, desde el principio hasta el fin from beginning to end, from start to finish
    a principios de at the beginning of
    al principio at first, in the beginning
    en principio quedamos en hacer una reunión el jueves provisionally o unless you hear otherwise, we've arranged to meet on Thursday
    en un principio at first
    2 principle (fundamento, ley).
    en principio in principle
    por principio on principle
    3 origin, source (origen).
    4 element (elemento).
    principio activo active ingredient
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: principiar.
    * * *
    1 (inicio) beginning, start
    2 (base) principle
    3 (moral) principle
    1 rudiments
    al principio at first, at the beginning
    en principio in principle
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) beginning, outset
    * * *
    1) (=comienzo) beginning

    al principio — at first, in the beginning

    a principios del verano — at the beginning of the summer, early in the summer

    desde el principio — from the first, from the outset

    desde el principio hasta el fin — from start to finish, from beginning to end

    en un principio — at first, to start with

    tener principio en algo — to start from sth, be based on sth

    2) pl principios (=nociones) rudiments, first notions

    "Principios de física" — "Introduction to Physics", "Outline of Physics"

    3) (=norma) principle

    el principio de la legalidad — the force of law, the rule of law

    4) (Fil) principle
    5) (Quím) element, constituent
    6) (Culin) entrée
    * * *
    1) ( comienzo) beginning

    el principio del verano — early summer, the beginning of summer

    en un or al principio — at first, in the beginning

    a) (concepto, postulado) principle
    b) ( norma moral) principle
    * * *
    1) ( comienzo) beginning

    el principio del verano — early summer, the beginning of summer

    en un or al principio — at first, in the beginning

    a) (concepto, postulado) principle
    b) ( norma moral) principle
    * * *
    el principio
    = early days, the

    Ex: The new chemical was expensive, and in the early days it was often mishandled; much of the foxing of early nineteenth-century paper was due to inefficient bleaching.

    1 = principle, proposition, tenet, canon, touchstone.

    Ex: Objective 2 results in what could be described as a collocative catalogue, because a catalogue based on this principle collocates the writings of a particular author.

    Ex: They are a core, a set of basic propositions, onto which are grafted a rich variety of other possibilities.
    Ex: This attack summarises her main tenets.
    Ex: The archetypal canon is of course that of the books of the Bible, which are gathered together in a fixed and unchanging order.
    Ex: The touchstone for professional practice are the professional codes of ethics that govern medicine in face-to-face relationships with patients.
    * actuar de acuerdo con los principios de Uno = act on + Posesivo + principles.
    * adherirse a principios = espouse + principles.
    * basado en principios = principled.
    * basarse en un principio = base on + principle.
    * con principios = principled.
    * cumplir con un principio = comport with + principle.
    * declaración de principios = statement of principles, value statement, Bill of Rights, declaration of principles, statement of principles.
    * defender los principios de Uno = stand up for + Posesivo + principles.
    * de principios = principled.
    * de principios muy elevados = high-minded.
    * en principio = in principle, on principle.
    * establecer un principio = establish + principle, set forth + cause.
    * formular un principio = formulate + principle.
    * infringir un principio = violate + principle.
    * ir en contra de todos + Posesivo + principios = violate + principle.
    * Los Principios de París = Paris Principles.
    * mantenerse fiel a los principios de Uno = stick to + Posesivo + principles.
    * poner en duda unos principios = shake + foundations.
    * por principio = on principle.
    * por principios = as a matter of principle.
    * principio constitutivo = constitutive principle.
    * principio de actuación = governing principle.
    * principio de archívese según aparece = file-as-is principle.
    * principio de cualificación profesional adecuada para el trabajo en cuestión = principle of rate for the job.
    * principio de gratuidad, el = gratis principle, the.
    * principio de igualdad, el = egalitarian principle, the.
    * principio de la alfabetización literal = file-as-is principle, file-as-is principle.
    * principio del escalonamiento = scalar principle.
    * principio ético = moral principle.
    * principio fundamental = fundamental, principium [principia, -pl.].
    * principio moral = moral principle.
    * principio orientador = guiding principle.
    * principios = philosophy, ethos, morals.
    * principios elevados = high-mindedness.
    * Principios para la Intercalación Bibliográfica = ISO7154.
    * proponer como principio = posit.
    * respetar los principios = observe + principles.
    * seguir un principio = adopt + convention.
    * sin principios = unscrupulous, unprincipled.
    * suscribir un principio = subscribe to + principle.
    * traicionar los principios de uno mismo = betray + Posesivo + own principles.
    * una cuestión de principios = a matter of principle.
    * violar un principio = violate + principle.

    2 = start, eruption, kick-off, startup [start-up], beginning.

    Ex: Olle is right, however, in implying that after a slow start interest in, and writing about, official publishing in Britain has increased dramatically in recent years.

    Ex: Information on the news items relevant to 'mad cow disease' was collected for a period of 100 days starting very close to the eruption of the crisis.
    Ex: The cooperative venture 'StoryLines America' joins libraries and public radio in smash kick-off.
    Ex: This article presents some practical tips to help users of DIALOG's DIALOGLINK including buffer size, screen speed-up, startup short cuts, type-ahead buffer and use of DIALOGLING with other services.
    Ex: In addition, synthesis often requires the use of a facet indicator, which marks the beginning of a new facet for example.
    * abocado al fracaso desde el principio = doomed from + the start, doomed from + the outset, doomed to + failure, doomed to + failure from its inception, doomed from + the beginning.
    * al principio = at first, at the outset, early [earlier -comp., earliest -sup.], in the early years, originally, to start with, early on, at startup.
    * al principio de = at the beginning (of), at the dawn of, at the onset of, early in.
    * al principio de la imprenta = early printing.
    * al principio y al final = both ends.
    * al principio y al final de = at each end of.
    * a principios de = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de + Expresión Temporal = early + Expresión Temporal, the.
    * a principios de los + Década = early + Década, the.
    * comenzar por el principio = start from + scratch, start at + ground zero.
    * comenzar por el principio, empezar desde cero, comen = start from + scratch.
    * condenado al fracaso desde el principio = doomed from + the start, doomed from + the outset, doomed from + the beginning.
    * de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX = turn-of-the-century.
    * de principio a fin = from start to finish, gavel to gavel, from beginning to end.
    * de principio a fin (documento) = cover to cover.
    * desde el principio = from the start, all along, ab initio, from the outset, from the beginning, from the word go, from the word get-go.
    * desde el principio de los tiempos = since the beginning of time, from the beginning of time, since time began.
    * desde principio a fin = throughout.
    * desde principios de siglo = since the turn of the century, from the turn of the century.
    * el principio de = the dawn of.
    * el principio del fin = the beginning of the end.
    * el principio de + Mes/Estación = early + Mes/Estación.
    * empezar por el principio = start from + scratch, start at + ground zero.
    * en principio = at first, conceivably, first of all, prima facie.
    * en un principio = at an earlier stage, initially, originally, at one time, to begin with.
    * fracaso desde el principio = doomed failure.
    * hay que empezar por el principio = first things must come first.
    * leer de principio a fin = read + from cover to cover.
    * muy al principio = in very early days, at the very outset.
    * para principios de siglo = by the turn of the century.
    * principio, el = early days, the.
    * regresar al principio = go back to + square one, be back to square one.
    * volvemos siempre al principio = things swing full circle.
    * volver al principio = come + full circle, bring + Pronombre + full-circle.

    * * *
    A (comienzo) beginning
    el principio del verano early summer, the beginning of summer
    empieza por el principio start at the beginning
    el principio del fin the beginning of the end
    el éxito logrado con su primer libro es un buen principio the success she's had with her first book is a good start, the success of her first book has got her off to a good start
    se llegó a un principio de acuerdo en las negociaciones they reached the beginnings of an agreement in the negotiations
    congeniamos desde el principio we got along well from the start
    leyó el libro desde el principio hasta el final sin parar he read the book from cover to cover o from beginning to end o from start to finish without putting it down
    a principios de temporada at the beginning of the season
    a principios de siglo at the turn of the century
    al principio at first
    en un principio se creyó que la Tierra era plana at first o in the beginning people believed the Earth was flat
    1 (concepto, postulado) principle
    es un principio universalmente aceptado it's a universally accepted concept
    la teoría parte de un principio erróneo the theory is based on a false premise
    en principio la reunión es el jueves the meeting's on Thursday unless you hear otherwise o provisionally, the meeting is set for Thursday
    en principio estoy de acuerdo, pero no depende sólo de mí I agree in principle, but it isn't only up to me
    2 (norma moral) principle
    es una cuestión de principios it's a question of principle(s)
    es una persona de principios she's a person of principle o a principled person
    por principio on principle
    uncertainty principle
    uncertainty principle
    principio de placer/realidad
    pleasure/reality principle
    * * *


    Del verbo principiar: ( conjugate principiar)

    principio es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    principió es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    principio sustantivo masculino
    1 ( comienzo) beginning;

    empieza por el principio start at the beginning;
    eso es un buen principio that's a good start;
    en un or al principio at first, in the beginning
    2 (postulado, norma moral) principle;

    por principio on principle
    principio sustantivo masculino
    1 (comienzo) beginning, start: nos hemos perdido el principio de la película, we've missed the beginning of the film
    2 (causa, origen) premise, origin
    3 (idea fundamental, norma) principle 4 principios, (nociones) rudiments, basics: posee algunos principios de mecánica, she has some rudiments of mechanics
    ♦ Locuciones: al principio, at first
    en principio, in principle
    por principio, on principle
    ' principio' also found in these entries:
    - cien
    - empezar
    - extrema
    - extremo
    - frustrarse
    - germen
    - horterada
    - indirecta
    - vista
    - criterio
    - elemental
    - por
    - basically
    - begin
    - beginning
    - cornerstone
    - early
    - farce
    - first
    - front
    - further
    - go
    - hear of
    - initially
    - initiation
    - listen
    - maybe
    - originally
    - outset
    - policy
    - principle
    - see
    - soon
    - start
    - stick to
    - tenet
    - wind back
    - from
    - out
    - right
    - throughout
    - turn
    * * *
    1. [comienzo] beginning, start;
    empieza por el principio start at the beginning;
    al principio at first, in the beginning;
    desde el principio from the beginning;
    se ha llegado a un principio de acuerdo a preliminary agreement has been reached;
    a principios de at the beginning of;
    en un principio at first;
    el principio del fin the beginning of the end;
    del principio al fin, desde el principio hasta el fin from beginning to end, from start to finish
    2. [fundamento, ley] principle
    principio de Arquímedes Archimedes' principle; Filosofía principio de causalidad causality principle;
    principio de incertidumbre uncertainty principle;
    principio de indeterminación uncertainty principle;
    principio del todo o nada all-or-nothing policy
    3. [origen] origin, source
    4. [elemento] element
    principio activo active ingredient
    principios [reglas de conducta] principles;
    un hombre de principios a man of principles;
    sin principios unprincipled, unscrupulous;
    por principio on principle;
    se negó a hacerlo por principios she refused to do it on principle
    principios [nociones] rudiments, first principles;
    tiene algunos principios de informática she knows a bit about computing
    7. [primera consideración]
    en principio: en principio, me parece buena la idea in principle, the idea seems good;
    en principio quedamos en hacer una reunión el jueves provisionally o unless you hear otherwise, we've arranged to meet on Thursday
    * * *
    1 ley, moral principle;
    en principio in principle;
    por principio on principle
    2 en tiempo beginning;
    a principios de abril at the beginning of April;
    al principio, en un principio at first;
    el principio del fin the beginning of the end
    * * *
    1) comienzo: beginning
    2) : principle
    al principio : at first
    a principios de : at the beginning of
    a principios de agosto: at the beginning of August
    en principio : in principle
    * * *
    1. (comienzo) beginning
    2. (concepto) principle
    a principios de... at the beginning of...

    Spanish-English dictionary > principio

  • 8 sauf

    sauf1, sauve [sof, sov]
    [personne] unharmed ; [honneur] intact
    sauf2 [sof]
       a. ( = à part) except
    tout sauf ça ! anything but that!
    nous irons demain, sauf s'il pleut we'll go tomorrow unless it rains
    * * *

    1. sof
    1) (excepté, hormis) except, but

    sauf imprévu — all things being equal, unless anything unforeseen happens

    sauf dispositions contrairesDroit except as otherwise provided

    sauf si locution conjonctive unless

    sauf que locution conjonctive except that

    sauve sof, sov adjectif
    1) ( sauvé) safe
    2) fig [honneur, réputation] intact
    * * *

    I sof prép
    1) (= à l'exception de) except

    Tout le monde est venu sauf lui. — Everyone came except him.


    sauf que (= si ce n'est que)except that

    Tout s'est bien passé, sauf que nous sommes arrivés en retard. — Everything went OK, except that we arrived late.


    sauf si (= à moins que)unless

    Nous irons nous promener, sauf s'il fait mauvais. — We'll go for a walk, unless the weather's bad.

    sauf avis contraire — unless you hear to the contrary, unless you hear otherwise

    sauf empêchement — barring problems, barring any problems

    sauf imprévu — unless anything unforeseen arises, barring accidents

    II (sauve)
    1) [personne] unharmed, unhurt
    2) fig
    * * *
    A prép
    1 (excepté, hormis) except, but; ils avaient toutes les tailles sauf la mienne they had every size but ou except mine; je suis libre tous les jours sauf demain I'm free every day except ou but tomorrow; le film était bien sauf la fin the film was good apart from the ending; j'ai bien aimé ta famille sauf ton frère I really liked your family apart from your brother;
    2 ( sous réserve de) sauf contrordre failing an order to the contrary; sauf avis contraire unless otherwise stated; sauf imprévu all things being equal, unless anything unforeseen happens; sauf dispositions contraires Jur except as otherwise provided; sauf erreur de ma part if I'm not mistaken.
    B sauf si loc conj ( excepté si) unless; nous mangerons dehors, sauf s'il pleut we'll eat outside unless it rains; je partirai en septembre, sauf si je rate mes examens I'll leave in September unless I fail my exams.
    C sauf que loc conj except that; tout sera comme autrefois sauf que nous sommes plus vieux everything will be the same as before except that we're older.
    sauf, sauve adj
    1 ( sauvé) safe; être sauf to be safe; j'ai eu la vie sauve my life was spared; laisser la vie sauve à qn to spare sb's life;
    2 fig [honneur, réputation] intact.
    ( féminin sauve) [sof, sov] adjectif
    1. [indemne - personne] safe
    elle est sauve she's safe, she escaped unhurt ou unharmed
    2. (figuré) [intact]
    au moins, les apparences sont sauves at least appearances have been kept up ou saved
    [sof] préposition
    1. [à part] except, apart from, save (soutenu)
    il a pensé à tout, sauf à ça he thought of everything, except that
    2. [à moins de] unless
    sauf à locution prépositionnelle
    il a pris cette décision, sauf à changer plus tard he took this decision, but reserved the right to change it later
    sauf que locution conjonctive
    il n'a pas changé, sauf que ses cheveux ont blanchi he hasn't changed, except (for the fact) that he has gone grey

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > sauf

  • 9 avis de virement

    [avi] nom masculin
    1. [point de vue] opinion, viewpoint
    avoir son ou un avis sur quelque chose to have views on something
    j'aimerais avoir votre avis I'd like to hear your views ou to know what you think (about it)
    demande ou prends l'avis d'un second médecin ask the opinion of another doctor
    toi, je ne te demande pas ton avis! I didn't ask for your opinion!
    donner son avis to give ou to contribute one's opinion
    donner ou émettre un avis favorable
    a. [à une demande] to give the go-ahead
    b. [à une proposition] to give a positive response, to come out in favour
    après avis favorable, vous procéderez à l'expulsion having obtained permission (from the authorities), you will start the eviction procedure
    à mon avis, c'est un mensonge in my opinion, it's a lie, I think it's a lie
    du même avis (que)...: lui et moi ne sommes jamais du même avis he and I don't see eye to eye ou never agree on anything
    m'est avis que... (humoristique) it seems to me that..., methinks...
    sur l'avis de on the advice ou at the suggestion of
    2. [information] announcement
    [sommation - légale] notice ; [ - fiscale] notice, demand
    a. [de votre part] unless we hear otherwise ou to the contrary, we'll go
    b. [de notre part] unless you hear otherwise ou to the contrary, we'll go
    avis au public ‘public notice’
    a. [d'un criminel] wanted (person) poster
    b. [d'un disparu] missing person poster
    il reste encore quelques parts de gâteau, avis aux amateurs there's still some cake left if anyone's interested

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > avis de virement

  • 10 contraire

    contraire [kɔ̃tʀεʀ]
    1. adjective
       a. ( = inverse) [sens, effet, mouvement] opposite ; (Nautical) [vent] contrary
    contraire à [+ loi] against
       b. ( = contradictoire) [opinions, propositions, intérêts] conflicting
       c. ( = nuisible) [forces, action] contrary ; [destin] adverse
    2. masculine noun
    [de mot, concept] opposite
    (bien or tout) au contraire quite the reverse
    * * *
    1) [effet, sens, décision] opposite; Nautisme [vent] contrary; ( en conflit) [avis, intérêts] conflicting (à with); [forces] opposite (à to)
    2) ( défavorable) [destin, force] adverse

    nom masculin
    * * *
    1. adj
    2. nm

    Il a fait le contraire de ce que je lui avais demandé. — He did the opposite of what I'd asked him to do.

    * * *
    A adj
    1 ( inverse) [effet, sens, décision, attitude] opposite; Naut [vent] contrary; ( en conflit) [avis, intérêts, théories] conflicting (à with); [forces] opposite (à to); être contraire à la justice/aux usages/au règlement to be contrary to justice/to custom/to the regulations; dans le cas contraire if this shouldn't be the case, (should it be) otherwise; sauf avis contraire unless otherwise informed, unless you hear anything to the contrary;
    2 ( défavorable) [destin, force] adverse; le sort leur fut contraire fate was against them.
    B nm le contraire the opposite (de of); je pense (tout) le contraire I take the opposite view; être tout le contraire de qn/qch to be the complete opposite of sb/sth; ne dites pas le contraire don't deny it; je ne dis pas le contraire I don't deny that ou it; jusqu'à preuve du contraire until there is evidence to the contrary, until proved otherwise; (bien or tout) au contraire on the contrary; au contraire de tes amis unlike your friends; dire tout et son contraire to keep contradicting oneself.
    [kɔ̃trɛr] adjectif
    1. [point de vue, attitude] opposite
    2. [inverse - direction, sens]
    3. (soutenu) [défavorable, nuisible] contrary (soutenu), unfavourable
    [kɔ̃trɛr] nom masculin
    1. [inverse]
    j'avais raison, ne me dis pas le contraire I was right, don't deny it
    elle timide? c'est tout le contraire! her, shy? quite the opposite ou contrary!
    au contraire locution adverbiale,
    bien au contraire locution adverbiale,
    tout au contraire locution adverbiale
    quite the reverse ou opposite
    au contraire de locution prépositionnelle
    contraire à locution prépositionnelle

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > contraire

  • 11 contrordine

    m counterorder
    * * *
    contrordine s.m. counterorder, countermand: vieni domani salvo contrordine, come tomorrow unless you hear to the contrary; dare un contrordine, to countermand an order; contrordine di pagamento, countermand of payment.
    * * *
    sostantivo maschile countermand, counter command (anche mil.)

    salvo contrordine — unless otherwise communicated, unless countermanded

    * * *
    sostantivo m.
    countermand, counter command (anche mil.); salvo contrordine unless otherwise communicated, unless countermanded.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > contrordine

  • 12 contrario

    * * *
    (pl -ri) 1. adj contrary
    direzione opposite
    vento adverse
    essere contrario be against (a something)
    2. m contrary, opposite
    al contrario on the contrary
    * * *
    contrario agg.
    1 contrary, opposite, adverse, opposed: contrario alla ragione, contrary (o opposed) to common sense; contrario alle regole, against the rules; fino ad avviso contrario, until further notice; in direzione contraria, in the opposite direction; opinioni contrarie, contrary (o opposing) opinions; venti contrari, contrary (o adverse) winds; verrò, salvo avviso contrario, I'll come, unless I hear to the contrary; contrario alla legge, unlawful // (dir.): prova contraria, evidence to the contrary; salvo patto contrario, unless otherwise provided for
    2 ( sfavorevole) unfavourable; contrary: stagione contraria, unfavourable season; la sorte gli è contraria, fate is against him; essere contrario per principio a qlco., to be against sthg. on principle; quanti sono i voti favorevoli e quanti contrari?, how many votes are there in favour and how many against?
    3 ( nocivo) harmful
    4 ( riluttante) reluctant, unwilling, loath: era contrario a partire in aeroplano, he was unwilling to leave by plane.
    contrario s.m.
    1 contrary, opposite: è proprio il contrario, it is just the opposite; Paolo è l'esatto contrario del fratello, Paolo is the complete opposite of his brother; ha fatto il contrario di quanto gli avevo detto, he did the opposite of what I had told him to do; non ho nulla in contrario che gli telefoniate, I have no objection to your ringing him up; avere prova del contrario, to have proof to the contrary // al contrario, ( invece) on the contrary; but; while; unlike; ( a ritroso) backwards: ti sei messo la maglia al contrario, ( il davanti dietro) you put your pullover on the wrong way round, ( al rovescio) you put your pullover on inside out; appesero il quadro al contrario, they hung the picture upside down; al contrario! vengo volentieri, on the contrary! I'm more than willing to come; tutto va al contrario di come speravo, nothing is going the way I hoped; al contrario di Fred mi piace il calcio, unlike Fred, I like football
    2 (gramm.) antonym: un dizionario di sinonimi e contrari, a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.
    * * *
    [kon'trarjo] contrario -ria, -ri, -rie
    1. agg
    (gen) opposite, (sfavorevole) unfavourable Brit, unfavorable Am, (avverso: sorte) adverse, (venti) contrary

    essere contrario a qc (persona) to be against sth

    2. sm

    al contrario di quanto si crede, è piuttosto grande — contrary to what people think, it's quite big

    * * *
    pl. -ri, - rie [kon'trarjo, ri, rje] aggettivo
    1) (inverso) [effetto, direzione] opposite; [ vento] contrary
    2) (contrastante) [opinione, interesse, teoria] contrary (a to), conflicting (a with); [ forze] opposite (a to)

    in caso contrariofailing this o that, otherwise

    essere contrario a qcs., a fare — to be opposed to sth., to doing

    sostantivo maschile
    1) (inverso) contrary, opposite
    2) ling. antonym
    3) al contrario (all'opposto, invece) contrariwise, on the contrary; (a ritroso) backwards; (col davanti dietro) the wrong way round, back to front; (con l'interno all'esterno) inside out; (capovolto) upside down

    non sono stanco, al contrario! — I'm not tired, far from it!

    se lei non ha niente in contrario — if you don't object, if you have no objection(s)

    * * *
    pl. -ri, - rie /kon'trarjo, ri, rje/
     1 (inverso) [effetto, direzione] opposite; [ vento] contrary; in senso contrario contrariwise
     2 (contrastante) [opinione, interesse, teoria] contrary (a to), conflicting (a with); [ forze] opposite (a to); contrario alla legge against the law; in caso contrario failing this o that, otherwise; fino a prova -a until proved otherwise
     3 (sfavorevole) essere contrario a qcs., a fare to be opposed to sth., to doing; essere contrario all'idea to be against the idea; sono contrario I'm against it
     1 (inverso) contrary, opposite
     2 ling. antonym
     3 al contrario (all'opposto, invece) contrariwise, on the contrary; (a ritroso) backwards; (col davanti dietro) the wrong way round, back to front; (con l'interno all'esterno) inside out; (capovolto) upside down; al contrario! quite the reverse! non sono stanco, al contrario! I'm not tired, far from it! al contrario di me unlike me
     4 in contrario nessuno ha detto nulla in contrario no-one said anything to the contrary; non ho niente in contrario I have nothing against it; se lei non ha niente in contrario if you don't object, if you have no objection(s).

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > contrario

  • 13 contrordre

    contrordre [kɔ̃tʀɔʀdʀ]
    masculine noun
    * * *
    nom masculin
    1) gén

    sauf contrordre — unless I/you etc hear to the contrary

    2) Armée counter command
    * * *
    kɔ̃tʀɔʀdʀ nm
    * * *
    1 gén une série d'ordres et de contrordres a series of conflicting orders; sauf contrordre unless I/you etc hear to the contrary; il y a contrordre there's been a change of plan;
    2 Mil counter command; recevoir un contrordre to receive a counter command.
    [kɔ̃trɔrdr] nom masculin
    il y a contrordre, vous ne partez plus orders have been countermanded ou changed, you're not leaving

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > contrordre

  • 14 εἰ

    εἰ, [dialect] Att.-[dialect] Ion. and Arc. (for εἰκ, v. infr. 11 ad init.), = [dialect] Dor. and [dialect] Aeol. αἰ, αἰκ (q. v.), Cypr.


    H., both εἰ and αἰ in [dialect] Ep.:— Particle used interjectionally with imper. and to express a wish, but usu. either in conditions, if, or in indirect questions, whether. In the former use its regular negative is μή; in the latter, οὐ.
    A INTERJECTIONALLY, in Hom., come now! c. imper.,

    εἰ δὲ.. ἄκουσον Il.9.262

    ; εἰ δὲ καὶ αὐτοὶ φευγόντων ib.46; most freq. with ἄγε (q. v.), 1.302, al.
    2 in wishes, c. opt.,

    ἀλλ' εἴ τις.. καλέσειεν 10.111

    , cf. 24.74; so later,

    εἴ μοι ξυνείη μοῖρα S.OT 863


    εἴ μοι γένοιτο φθόγγος ἐν βραχίοσιν E.Hec. 836

    : more freq. folld. by

    γάρ, αἲ γὰρ δὴ οὕτως εἴη Il.4.189

    , al.;

    εἰ γὰρ γενοίμην ἀντὶ σοῦ νεκρός E.Hipp. 1410


    εἰ γὰρ γένοιτο X.Cyr.6.1.38


    εἰ γὰρ ἐν τούτῳ εἴη Pl.Prt. 310d

    ; of unattained wishes, in Hom. only c. opt.,

    εἰ γὰρ ἐγὼν.. Διὸς πάϊς αἰγιόχοιο εἴην Il.13.825


    Ζεῦ πάτερ, αἰ γὰρ ἐμὸς πόσις εἴη Alcm.29

    ; later with past tenses of ind.,

    εἰ γάρ μ' ὑπὸ γῆν.. ἧκεν A.Pr. 152

    (anap.); εἰ γὰρ τοσαύτην δύναμιν εἶχον ὥστε .. E.Alc. 1072: twice in Od. c. inf. (cf. the use of inf. in commands),

    αἰ γὰρ τοῖος ἐὼν.. ἐμὸς γαμβρὸς καλέεσθαι 7.311

    , cf. 24.376.
    b εἴθε, [dialect] Ep. αἴθε, is freq. used in wishes in the above constructions,

    εἴθε οἱ αὐτῷ Ζεὺς ἀγαθὸν τελέσειεν 2.33


    εἴθ' ὣς ἡβώοιμι Il.7.157


    ἰὼ γᾶ, εἴθ' ἔμ' ἐδέξω A.Ag. 1537


    εἴθε σοι, ὦ Περίκλεις, τότε συνεγενόμην X.Mem.1.2.46

    : later c. inf.,

    γαίης χθαμαλωτέρη εἴθε.. κεῖσθαι AP9.284

    c εἰ γάρ, εἴθε are also used with ὤφελον ([dialect] Ep. ὤφελλον), of past unattained wishes,

    αἴθ' ὤφελλες στρατοῦ ἄλλου σημαίνειν Il.14.84

    ; εἰ γὰρ ὤφελον [κατιδεῖν] Pl.R. 432c.
    d folld. by a clause expressing a consequence of the fulfilment of the wish, αἰ γὰρ τοῦτο.. ἔπος τετελεσμένον εἴη· τῷ κε τάχα γνοίης .. Od. 15.536, cf. 17.496, al.; sts. hard to distinguish from εἰ in conditions (which may be derived from this use),

    εἴ μοί τι πίθοιο, τό κεν πολὺ κέρδιον εἴη Il.7.28

    I with INDIC.,
    1 with all tenses (for [tense] fut., v. infr. 2), to state a condition, with nothing implied as to its fulfilment, εἰ δ' οὕτω τοῦτ' ἐστίν, ἐμοὶ μέλλει φίλον εἶναι but if this is so, it will be.., Il.1.564: any form of the Verb may stand in apodosi,

    εἰ θεοί τι δρῶσιν αἰσχρόν, οὐκ εἰσὶν θεοί E.Fr.292.7


    εἰ δοκεῖ, πλέωμεν S.Ph. 526


    εἰ Φαῖδρον ἀγνοῶ, καὶ ἐμαυτοῦ ἐπιλέλησμαι Pl.Phdr. 228a


    κάκιστ' ἀπολοίμην, Ξανθίαν εἰ μὴ φιλῶ Ar.Ra. 579

    , cf. Od.17.475;

    εἰ θεοῦ ἦν, οὐκ ἦν αἰσχροκερδής· εἰ δ' αἰσχροκερδής, οὐκ ἦν θεοῦ Pl.R. 408c


    εἰ ταῦτα λέγων διαφθείρω τοὺς νέους, ταῦτ' ἂν εἴη βλαβερά Id.Ap. 30b

    , cf. 25b; εἰ οὗτοι ὀρθῶς ἀπέστησαν, ὑμεῖς ἂν οὐ χρεὼν ἄρχοιτε if these were right in their revolt, (it would follow that) you rule when you have no right, Th.3.40.
    b to express a general condition, if ever, whenever, sts. with [tense] pres.,

    εἴ τις δύο ἢ καὶ πλείους τις ἡμέρας λογίζεται, μάταιός ἐστιν S.Tr. 943

    : with [tense] impf.,

    εἴ τίς τι ἠρώτα ἀπεκρίνοντο Th.7.10

    : rarely with [tense] aor., D.S.31.26.1, S.E.P.1.84; cf. 111.2.
    2 with [tense] fut. (much less freq. than ἐάν c. subj.), either to express a future supposition emphatically,

    εἰ φθάσομεν τοὺς πολεμίους κατακαίνοντες οὐδεὶς ἡμῶν ἀποθανεῖται X.Cyr.7.1.19


    εἰ μὴ βοηθήσετε οὐ περιέσται τἀκεῖ Th.6.91

    ; εἰ αὕτη ἡ πόλις ληφθήσεται, ἔχεται ἡ πᾶσα Σικελία ibid.; in threats or warnings,

    εἰ μὴ καθέξεις γλῶσσαν ἔσται σοι κακά E.Fr.5


    εἰ τιμωρήσεις Πατρόκλῳ, αὐτὸς ἀποθανῇ Pl.Ap. 28c

    , cf. D.28.21: or,
    b to express a present intention or expectation, αἶρε πλῆκτρον εἰ μαχεῖ if you mean to fight, Ar.Av. 759;

    ἐγὼ μὲν οὐκ ἀνήρ.. εἰ ταῦτ' ἀνατεὶ τῇδε κείσεται κράτη S.Ant. 485

    , cf. Il.1.61, E.Hec. 863.
    3 with historical tenses, implying that the condition is or was unfulfilled.
    a with [tense] impf., referring to present time or to continued or repeated action in past time (in Hom. always the latter, Il.24.715, al.): ταῦτα οὐκ ἂν ἐδύναντο ποιεῖν, εἰ μὴ διαίτῃ μετρίᾳ ἐχρῶντο they would not be able to do this (as they do), if they did not live an abstemious life, X.Cyr.1.2.16, cf. Pl.R. 489b; οὐκ ἂν νήσων ἐκράτει, εἰ μή τι καὶ ναυτικὸν εἶχεν he ([place name] Agamemnon) would not have been master of islands, if he had not had also some naval force, Th.1.9;

    αἰ δ' ἦχες ἔσλων ἴμερον ἢ κάλων.. αἴδως κεν.. ἦχεν Sapph.28

    ; εἰ ἦσαν ἄνδρες ἀγαθοὶ.. οὐκ ἄν ποτε ταῦτα ἔπασχον if they had been good men, they would never have suffered as they did, Pl.Grg. 516e, cf. X.Mem.1.1.5; εἰ γὰρ ἐγὼ τάδε ᾔδἐ.. οὐκ ἂν ὑπεξέφυγε if I had known this.., Il.8.366.
    b with [tense] aor. referring to past time,

    εἰ μὴ ἔφυσε θεὸς μέλι.. ἔφασκον γλύσσονα σῦκα πέλεσθαι Xenoph.38

    ; εἰ μὴ ὑμεῖς ἤλθετε, ἐπορευόμεθα ἂν ἐπὶ βασιλέα had you not come, we should be on our way.., X.An.2.1.4;

    καὶ ἴσως ἂν ἀπέθανον, εἰ μὴ ἡ ἀρχὴ διὰ ταχέων κατελύθη Pl.Ap. 32d

    , cf. Il.5.680, Od.4.364, D.4.5, 27.63: with [tense] plpf. in apodosi,

    εἰ τριάκοντα μόναι μετέπεσον τῶν ψήφων, ἀπεπεφεύγη ἄν Pl. Ap. 36a

    c rarely with [tense] plpf. referring to action finished in past or present time, λοιπὸν δ' ἂν ἦν ἡμῖν ἔτι περὶ τῆς πόλεως διαλεχθῆναι, εἰ μὴ προτέρα τῶν ἄλλων τὴν εἰρήνην ἐπεποίητο if she had not (as she has done) made peace before the rest, Isoc.5.56, cf. Pl.Ti. 21c.
    II with SUBJ., εἰ is regularly joined with ἄν ([dialect] Ep. κε, κεν), cf. ἐάν: Arc. εἰκαν in Tegean Inscrr. of iv B. C. (IG5(2).3.16, 31, 6.2, SIG306.34) should be understood as εἰκ ἄν (εἰ: εἰκ = οὐ: οὐκ), since εἰ δ' ἄν is also found in IG5(2).3.2, 6.45, and εἰκ alone, ib.3.21; but ἄν ([etym.] κε, κεν) are freq. absent in Hom. as Od.5.221, 14.373 (and cf. infr. 2), and Lyr., Pi. (who never uses εἰ with ἄν or κε ([etym.] ν)) P.4.266, al.; in dialects,

    αἰ δείλητ' ἀγχωρεῖν IG9(1).334.6

    ([dialect] Locr., v B. C.), cf. Foed.[dialect] Dor. ap. Th.5.79; rarely in Hdt.,

    εἰ μὴ ἀναβῇ 2.13

    ; occasionally in Trag., A.Eu. 234, S.OT 198 (lyr.), etc.; very rarely in [dialect] Att. Prose,

    εἰ ξυστῶσιν αἱ πόλεις Th.6.21


    εἴ τι που ἄλσος ἢ τέμενος ἀφειμένον ᾖ Pl.Lg. 761c

    : in later Prose,

    εἴ τις θελήσῃ Apoc.11.5


    εἰ φονεύῃ Plot.2.9.9

    , cf. Procl. Inst.26.
    1 when the apodosis is [tense] fut., to express a future condition more distinctly and vividly than εἰ c. opt., but less so than εἰ c. [tense] fut. ind. (supr. 1.2a); εἰ δέ κεν ὣς ἕρξῃς καί τοι πείθωνται Ἀχαιοί, γνώσῃ ἔπειθ' .. if thou do thus.., thou shalt know, Il.2.364, cf. 1.128, 3.281, Od.17.549;

    ἂν δέ τις ἀνθιστῆται, σὺν ὑμῖν πειρασόμεθα χειροῦσθαι X. An.7.3.11

    ; ἂν μὴ νῦν ἐθέλωμεν ἐκεῖ πολεμεῖν αὐτῷ, ἐνθάδ' ἴσως ἀναγκασθησόμεθα τοῦτο ποιεῖν if we be not now willing, D.4.50, cf. X.Cyr. 5.3.27: folld. by imper., ἢν εἰρήνης δοκῆτε δεῖσθαι, ἄνευ ὅπλων ἥκετε ib.3.2.13, cf. 5.4.30.
    2 when the apodosis is present, denoting customary or repeated action, to express a general condition, if ever, ἤν ποτε δασμὸς ἵκηται, σοὶ τὸ γέρας πολὺ μεῖζον (sc. ἐστί) whenever a division comes, your prize is (always) greater, Il.1.166; ἢν ἐγγὺς ἔλθῃ θάνατος, οὐδεὶς βούλεται θνῄσκειν if death come near, E.Alc. 671; with ἄν omitted,

    εἴ περ γάρ τε χόλον.. καταπέψῃ ἀλλά.. ἔχει κότον Il.1.81

    b with Rhet. present in apodosis, ἐὰν μὴ οἱ φιλόσοφοι βασιλεύσωσιν, οὐκ ἔστι κακῶν παῦλα there is (i.e. can be, will be) no rest.., Pl.R. 473d.
    III with OPTATIVE (never with ἄν in early Gr., later ἐάν c. opt., Dam.Pr. 114, al.),
    1 to express a future condition less definitely than ἐάν c. subj., usu. with opt. with ἄν in apod., ἦ κεν γηθήσαι Πρίαμος Πριάμοιό τε παῖδες.. εἰ σφῶιν τάδε πάντα πυθοίατο μαρναμένοιιν surely they would exult, if they should hear.., Il.1.255, cf. 7.28, Od.3.223;

    εἴης φορητὸς οὐκ ἄν, εἰ πράσσοις καλῶς A.Pr. 979


    οὐδὲ γὰρ ἄν με ἐπαινοίη, εἰ ἐξελαύνοιμι τοὺς εὐεργέτας X.An.7.7.11


    οἶκος δ' αὐτός, εἰ φθογγὴν λάβοι, σαφέστατ' ἂν λέξειεν A.Ag.37

    , etc.: [tense] fut. opt. is f.l. in Pl.Tht. 164a: with [tense] pres. ind. in apod., Xenoph.34.3, Democr.253: with [tense] fut.ind., Meliss.5.
    b in Hom.sts. with [tense] pres. opt., to express an unfulfilled present condition, εἰ μὲν νῦν ἐπὶ ἄλλῳ ἀεθλεύοιμεν, ἦ τ' ἂν ἐγὼ τὰ πρῶτα φεροίμην if we were now contending, etc., Il.23.274: rarely in Trag., εἰ μὴ κνίζοι ( = εἰ μὴ ἔκνιζε) E.Med. 568; also

    εἰ ἀναγκαῖον εἴη ἀδικεῖν ἢ ἀδικεῖσθαι, ἑλοίμην ἂν μᾶλλον ἀδικεῖσθαι Pl.Grg. 469c

    2 when the apodosis is past, denoting customary or repeated action, to express a general condition in past time (corresponding to use of subj. in present time, supr. 11.2); once in Hom.,

    εἴ τίς με.. ἐνίπτοι, ἀλλὰ σὺ τόν γ'.. κατέρυκες Il.24.768

    ; εἰ δέ τινας θορυβουμένους αἴσθοιτο.., κατασβεννύναι τὴν ταραχὴν ἐπειρᾶτο if he should see ( whenever he saw) any troops in confusion, he (always) tried, X.Cyr.5.3.55, cf. An.4.5.13, Mem.4.2.40; εἴ τις ἀντείποι, εὐθὺς ἐτεθνήκει if any one made objection, he was a dead man at once, Th. 8.66;

    ἀλλ' εἴ τι μὴ φέροιμεν, ὤτρυνεν φέρειν E.Alc. 755

    . For εἰ c. ind. in this sense v. supr. 1.1: ind. and opt. are found in same sentence,

    ἐμίσει, οὐκ εἴ τις κακῶς πάσχων ἠμύνετο, ἀλλ' εἴ τις εὐεργετούμενος ἀχάριστος φαίνοιτο X.Ages.11.3

    3 in oratio obliqua after past tenses, representing ἐάν c. subj. or εἰ with a primary (never an historical) tense of the ind. in oratio recta, ἐλογίζοντο ὡς, εἰ μὴ μάχοιντο, ἀποστήσοιντο αἱ πόλεις (representing ἐὰν μὴ μαχώμεθα, ἀποστήσονται) X.HG6.4.6, cf. D.21.104, X.HG5.2.2; ἔλεγεν ὅτι, εἰ βλαβερὰ πεπραχὼς εἴη, δίκαιος εἴη ζημιοῦσθαι (representing εἰ βλαβερὰ πέπραχε, δίκαιός ἐστι) ib.32, cf. An.6.6.25; εἰ δέ τινα φεύγοντα λήψοιτο, προηγόρευεν ὅτι ὡς πολεμίψ χρήσοιτο (representing εἴ τινα λήψομαι, χρήσομαι) Id.Cyr.3.1.3; also, where oratio obliqua is implied in the leading clause, οὐκ ἦν τοῦ πολέμου πέρας Φιλίππῳ, εἰ μὴ Θηβαίους.. ἐχθροὺς ποιήσειε τῇ πόλει, i.e. Philip thought there would be no end to the war, unless he should make.. (his thought having been ἐὰν μὴ ποιήσω), D.18.145;

    ἐβούλοντο γὰρ σφίσιν, εἴ τινα λάβοιεν, ὑπάρχειν ἀντὶ τῶν ἔνδον, ἢν ἄρα τύχωσί τινες ἐζωγρημένοι Th.2.5

    4 c. opt. with ἄν, only when the clause serves as apodosis as well as protasis, cf. Pl.Prt. 329b, D.4.18, X.Mem.1.5.3 (v.

    ἄν A. 111

    . d).
    IV c. INF., in oratio obliqua, only in Hdt.,

    εἰ γὰρ δὴ δεῖν πάντως περιθεῖναι ἄλλῳ τέῳ τὴν βασιληΐην, [ἔφη] δικαιότερον εἶναι κτλ. 1.129


    εἰ εἶναι τοῦτο μὴ φίλον 2.64

    , cf. 172, 3.105, 108.
    V after Verbs denoting wonder, delight, indignation, disappointment, contentment, and similar emotions, εἰ c. ind. is used instead of ὅτι, to express the object of the feeling in a hypothetical form, θαυμάζω εἰ μηδεὶς ὑμῶν μήτ' ἐνθυμεῖται μήτ' ὀργίζεται, ὁρῶν .. I wonder that no one of you is either concerned or angry when he sees.., D.4.43;

    οὐκ ἀγαπᾷ εἰ μὴ δίκην δέδωκεν, ἀλλ' εἰ μὴ καὶ χρυσῷ στεφάνῳ στεφανωθήσεται ἀγανακτεῖ Aeschin.3.147

    : after past tenses,

    ἐθαύμασε δ' εἰ μὴ φανερόν ἐστιν X.Mem.1.1.13


    δεινὸν εἰσῄει, εἰ μὴ.. δόξει D.19.33


    ἐθαύμαζον εἴ τι ἕξει τις χρήσασθαι τῷ λόγῳ Pl.Phd. 95a


    οὐδὲ ᾐσχύνθη εἰ.. ἐπάγει D.21.105

    : in oratio obliqua (expressed or implied) c. opt., ἐπεῖπεν ὡς δεινὸν (sc. εἴη)

    εἰ.. μεγαλόψυχος γένοιτο Aeschin.2.157


    ᾤκτιρον εἰ ἁλώσοιντο X.An.1.4.7

    ; ἐθαύμαζε δ' εἴ τις ἀρετὴν ἐπαγγελλόμενος ἀργύριον πράττοιτο he wondered that any one should demand money, Id.Mem.1.2.7; ἔχαιρον ἀγαπῶν εἴ τις ἐάσοι I rejoiced, being content if any one should let it pass, Pl.R. 450a:—in this use the neg. οὐ is also found,

    ἀγανακτῶ εἰ ὁ Φίλιππος ἁρπάζων οὐ λυπεῖ D.8.55


    δεινὸν ἂν εἴη εἰ οἱ ἐκείνων ξύμμαχοι οὐκ ἀπεροῦσιν Th.1.121


    τέρας λέγεις, εἰ οὐκ ἂν δύναιντο λαθεῖν Pl.Men. 91d

    , etc.
    VI in citing a fact as a ground of argument or appeal, as surely as, since, εἴ ποτ' ἔην γε if there was [as there was], i.e. as sure as there was such an one, Il.3.180, al.;

    εἰ τότε κοῦρος ἔα, νῦν αὖτέ με γῆρας ὀπάζει 4.321

    ; πολλοὺς γὰρ οἶκε εἶναι εὐπετέστερον διαβάλλειν ἢ ἕνα, εἰ Κλεομένεα μὲν μοῦνον οὐκ οἷός τε ἐγένετο διαβαλεῖν, τρεῖς δὲ μυριάδας Ἀθηναίων ἐποίησε τοῦτο it seems easier to deceive many than one, if (as was the fact, i.e. since) he was not able.., Hdt.5.97, cf. 1.60,al.
    1 with apodosis implied in the context, εἰ having the force of in case, supposing that, πρὸς τὴν πόλιν, εἰ ἐπιβοηθοῖεν, ἐχώρουν they marched towards the city [so as to meet the citizens], in case they should rush out, Th.6.100; ἱκέται πρὸς σὲ δεῦρ' ἀφίγμεθα, εἴ τινα πόλιν φράσειας ἡμῖν εὔερον we have come hither to you, in case you should tell us of some fleecy city (i.e. that we might hear of it), Ar.Av. 120; παρέζεο καὶ λαβὲ γούνων, αἴ κέν πως ἐθέλῃσιν ἐπὶ Τρώεσσιν ἀρῆξαι sit by him and grasp his knees [so as to persuade him], in case he be willing to help the Trojans, Il.1.408, cf. 66, Od.1.94, 3.92; ἄκουσον καὶ ἐμοῦ, ἐάν σοι ἔτι ταὐτὰ δοκῇ hear me also [that you may assent], in case the same opinion please you, Pl.R. 358b; ἰδὲ δή, ἐάν σοι ὅπερ ἐμοὶ συνδοκῇ look now, in case you approve what I do, ib. 434a.
    2 with apodosis suppressed for rhetorical reasons, εἴ περ γάρ κ' ἐθέλῃσιν Ὀλύμπιος.. στυφελίξαι if he wish to thrust him away, [he will do so], Il.1.580; εἰ μὲν δώσουσι γέρας—· εἰ δέ κε μὴ δώωσιν, ἐγὼ δέ κεν αὐτὸς ἕλωμαι if they shall give me a prize, [well and good]; but if they give not, then I will take one for myself, 1.135, cf. 6.150, Ar.Pl. 468; καὶ ἢν μὲν ξυμβῇ ἡ πεῖρα—· εἰ δὲ μή .. and if the attempt succeed, [well]; otherwise.., Th.3.3, cf. Pl.Prt. 325d.
    3 with the Verb of the protasis omitted, chiefly in the following expressions:
    a εἰ μή except,

    οὐδὲν ἄλλο σιτέονται, εἰ μὴ ἰχθῦς μοῦνον Hdt. 1.200

    ; μὰ τὼ θεώ, εἰ μὴ Κρίτυλλά γ' [εἰμί]—nay, if I'm not Critylla! i.e. I am, Ar.Th. 898; εἰ μὴ ὅσον except only,

    ἐγὼ μέν μιν οὐκ εἶδον, εἰ μὴ ὅσον γραφῇ Hdt.2.73

    , cf. 1.45, 2.20;

    εἰ μὴ εἰ Th.1.17

    , Pl.Grg. 480b, etc.; εἰ μή τι οὖν, ἀλλὰ σμικρόν γέ μοι τῆς ἀρχῆς χάλασον if nothing else, yet.., Id.Men. 86e; ironical,

    εἰ μὴ ἄρα ἡ τῆς ἀρετῆς ἐπιμέλεια διαφθορά ἐστιν X.Mem.1.2.8


    εἰ μή πέρ γε τὸν ὑοσκύαμον χρήματα εἶναι φήσομεν Id.Oec.1.13

    b εἰ δὲ μή but if not, i.e. otherwise,

    προηγόρευε τοῖς Λαμψακηνοῖσι μετιέναι Μιλτιάδεα, εἰ δὲ μή, σφέας πίτυος τρόπον ἀπείλεε ἐκτρίψειν Hdt.6.37

    , cf. 56; after μάλιστα μέν, Th.1.32,35, etc.:—after a preceding neg., μὴ τύπτ'· εἰ δὲ μή, σαυτόν ποτ' αἰτιάσει don't beat me; otherwise, you will have yourself to blame, Ar.Nu. 1433;

    ὦ Κῦρε, μὴ οὕτω λέγε· εἰ δὲ μή, οὐ θαρροῦντά με ἕξεις X.Cyr.3.1.35


    οὔτ' ἐν τῷ ὕδατι τὰ ὅπλα ἦν ἔχειν· εἰ δὲ μή Id.An.4.3.6

    , cf. Th.1.28, 131, Pl.Phd. 91c.
    c εἰ δέ sts. stands for

    εἰ δὲ μή, εἰ μὲν βούλεται, ἑψέτω· εἰ δ', ὅτι βούλεται, τοῦτο ποιείτω Pl.Euthd. 285c

    , cf. Smp. 212c;

    εἰ δ' οὖν S.Ant. 722


    εἰ δ' οὕτως Arist.EN 1094a24

    ; εἰ δὲ τοῦτο and if so, Str.2.1.29.
    d εἰ γάρ for if so, Id.7.3.6.
    e εἴ τις if any, i. e. as much as or more than any,

    τῶν γε νῦν αἴ τις ἐπιχθονίων, ὀρθῶς B.5.5


    ὄτλον ἄλγιστον ἔσχον, εἴ τις Αἰτωλὶς γυνή S.Tr.8

    , cf. OC 734; εἴ τις ἄλλος, siquis alius, E.Andr.6, etc.;

    εἴ τινες καὶ ἄλλοι Hdt.3.2

    , etc.;

    εἴπερ τις ἄλλος Pl.R. 501d

    ; also κατ' εἰ δέ τινα τρόπον in any way, IG 5(2).6.27 ([place name] Tegea).
    f εἴ ποτε or εἴπερ ποτέ now if ever,

    ἡμῖν δὲ καλῶς, εἴπερ ποτέ, ἔχει.. ἡ ξυναλλαγή Th.4.20

    , cf. Ar.Eq. 594;

    αἴ ποτα κἄλλοτα Alc.Supp.7.11

    , cf. X.An.6.4.12, etc.; but in prayers,

    εἴ ποτέ τοι ἐπὶ νηὸν ἔρεψα.. τόδε μοι κρήηνον ἐέλδωρ Il.1.39

    g εἴ ποθεν (sc. δυνατόν ἐστι) if from any quarter, i.e. from some quarter or other, S.Ph. 1204 (lyr.); so εἴ ποθι somewhere, anywhere, Id.Aj. 885 (lyr.);

    εἴ που Od.4.193

    h εἴ πως ib. 388, X.An.2.3.11: in an elliptical sentence (cf. VII. 1),

    πρέσβεις πέμψαντες, εἴ πως πείσειαν Th.1.58

    VIII with other PARTICLES:
    2 for ὡς εἰ, ὡς εἴ τε, ὥσπερ εἰ, etc., v. ὡς and ὥσπερ.
    3 for εἰ ἄρα, v. ἄρα; for εἰ δή, εἴπερ, v. εἰ δή, εἴπερ; for εἴ γε, v. γέ.
    IX in neg. oaths, = Hebr. im, LXXPs.94(95).11, Ev.Marc.8.12, al.
    C IN INDIRECT QUESTIONS, whether, folld. by the ind., subj., or opt., according to the principles of oratio obliqua:
    1 with IND. after primary tenses, representing the same tense in the direct question, σάφα δ' οὐκ οἶδ' εἰ θεός ἐστιν whether he is a god, Il.5.183;

    εἰ ξυμπονήσεις.. σκόπει S.Ant.41

    2 with SUBJ. after primary tenses, representing a dubitative subj. in the direct question, τὰ ἐκπώματα οὐκ οἶδ' εἰ Χρυσάντᾳ τουτῳῒ δῶ whether I should give them, X.Cyr.8.4.16: sts. elliptical,

    ἐς τὰ χρηστήρια ἔπεμπε, εἰ στρατεύηται ἐπὶ τοὺς Πέρσας Hdt.1.75

    3 OPT. after past tenses, representing either of the two previous constructions in the direct question, ἤρετο εἴ τις ἐμοῦ εἴη σοφώτερος he asked whether any one was wiser than I (direct ἔστι τις σοφώτερος;), Pl.Ap. 21a;

    ἐπεκηρυκεύετο Πεισιστράτῳ, εἰ βούλοιτό οἱ τὴν θυγατέρα ἔχειν γυναῖκα Hdt.1.60

    : rarely [tense] aor. opt. for the [tense] aor. ind., ἠρώτων αὐτὸν εἰ ἀναπλεύσειεν I asked him whether he had set sail (direct ἀνέπλευσας;), D.50.55: but [tense] aor. opt. usually represents [tense] aor. subj., τὸν θεὸν ἐπήροντο εἰ παραδοῖεν Κορινθίοις τὴν πόλιν.. καὶ τιμωρίαν τινὰ πειρῷντ' ἀπ' αὐτῶν ποιεῖσθαι they asked whether they should deliver their city to the Corinthians, and should try.., Th.1.25:—in both constructions the ind. or subj. may be retained, ψῆφον ἐβούλοντο ἐπαγαγεῖν εἰ χρὴ πολεμεῖν ib. 119; ἐβουλεύοντο εἴτε κατακαύσωσιν.. εἴτε τι ἄλλο χρήσωνται whether they should burn them or should dispose of them in some other way, Id.2.4; ἀνακοινοῦσθαι αὐτὸν αὑτῷ εἰ δῷ ἐπιψηφίσαι τοῖς προέδροις [he said that] he consulted him whether he should give.., Aeschin.2.68.
    4 with OPT. and ἄν when this was the form of the direct question, ἠρώτων εἰ δοῖεν ἂν τούτων τὰ πιστά they asked whether they would give (direct δοιήτε ἄν;), X.An.4.8.7.
    5 the NEG. used with εἰ in indirect questions is οὐ, when οὐ would be used in the direct question, ἐνετέλλετο.. εἰρωτᾶν εἰ οὔ τι ἐπαισχύνεται whether he is not ashamed, Hdt.1.90, etc.; but if μή would be required in the direct form, it is retained in the indirect, οὐ τοῦτο ἐρωτῶ, ἀλλ' εἰ τοῦ μὲν δικαίου μὴ ἀξιοῖ πλέον ἔχειν μηδὲ βούλεται ὁ δίκαιος, τοῦ δὲ ἀδίκου (the direct question would be μὴ ἀξιοῖ μηδὲ βούλεται; he does not see fit nor wish, does he?) Pl.R. 349b:—in double indirect questions, εἴτε.. εἴτε.. ; εἰ.. εἴτε.. ; εἴτε.. ἢ .., either οὐ or μή can be used in the second clause,

    ὅπως ἴδῃς εἴτ' ἔνδον εἴτ' οὐκ ἔνδον S.Aj.7


    σκοπῶμεν εἰ ἡμῖν πρέπει ἢ οὔ Pl.R. 451d

    ; εἰ ἀληθὲς ἢ μή, πειράσομαι μαθεῖν ib. 339a;

    πολλὰ ἂν περιεσκέψω, εἴτε ἐπιτρεπτέον εἴτε οὔ·.. οὐδένα λόγον οὐδὲ συμβουλὴν ποιῇ, εἴτε χρὴ ἐπιτρέπειν σαυτὸν αὐτῷ εἴτε μή Id.Prt. 313a

    , 313b;

    ἀνάγκη τὴν ἐμὴν μητέρα, εἴτε θυγάτηρ ἦν Κίρωνος εἴτε μή, καὶ εἰ παρ' ἐκείνῳ διῃτᾶτο ἢ οὔ, καὶ γάμους εἰ διττοὺς ὑπὲρ ταύτης εἱστίασεν ἢ μὴ.. πάντα ταῦτα εἰδέναι τοὺς οἰκέτας Is.8.9

    ; τοὺς νόμους καταμανθάνειν εἰ καλῶς κεῖνται ἢ μή.. τοὺς λόγους εἰ ὀρθῶς ὑμᾶς διδάσκουσιν ἢ οὔ Antipho 5.14.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > εἰ

  • 15 ser

    1 being (ente).
    ser humano human being
    los seres vivos living things
    2 ens.
    1 to be (to be in some place or situation, to originate in, to belong to, to pertain, to exist really).
    fue aquí it was here
    lo importante es decidirse the important thing is to reach a decision
    ¿de dónde eres? where are you from?
    los juguetes son de mi hijo the toys are my son's
    es alto/gracioso he is tall/funny
    es azul/difícil it's blue/difficult
    es un amigo/el dueño he is a friend/the owner
    Yo soy buena I am good.
    2 to be (to be worth, quantity).
    ¿cuánto es? how much is it?
    son 300 pesos that'll be 300 pesos
    ¿qué (día) es hoy? what day is it today?, what's today?
    mañana será 15 de julio tomorrow (it) will be 15 July
    ¿qué hora es? what time is it?, what's the time?
    son las tres (de la tarde) it's three o'clock (in the afternoon), it's three (pm)
    3 to be (joined to nouns which signify employment or occupation).
    soy abogado/actriz I'm a lawyer/an actress
    son estudiantes they're students
    4 to be (to happen, to occur, to fall out).
    es muy tarde it's rather late
    era de noche/de día it was night/day
    5 to be (auxiliary verb, by which the passive is formed).
    fue visto por un testigo he was seen by a witness
    6 to exist, to live.
    7 to be for.
    Me es muy fácil aprender español It is very easy for me to learn Spanish.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    seré, serás, será, seremos, seréis, serán.
    sería, serías, sería, seríamos, seríais, serían.
    Present Subjunctive
    sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    (tú), sea (él/Vd.), seamos (nos.), sed (vos.), sean (ellos/Vds.).
    Past Participle
    * * *
    1. verb 2. noun m.
    * * *
    SF ABR Esp
    = Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión radio network
    * * *
    I 1.
    [ ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1]

    es inglés/rubio/católico — he's English/fair/(a) Catholic

    era cierto/posible — it was true/possible

    sé bueno, estáte quieto — be a good boy and keep still

    que seas muy feliz — I hope you'll be very happy; (+ me/te/le etc)

    para serte sincero — to be honest with you, to tell you the truth

    siempre le he sido fiel — I've always been faithful to her; ver tb verbo intransitivo I 5

    ¿éste es o se hace?/¿tú eres o te haces? — (AmL fam) is he/are you stupid or something? (colloq)

    el mayor es casado/divorciado — the oldest is married/divorced

    es viuda — she's a widow; ver tb estar I 3)

    3) (seguido de nombre, pronombre, sintagma nominal) to be

    soy peluquera/abogada — I'm a hairdresser/a lawyer

    ábreme, soy Mariano/yo — open the door, it's Mariano/it's me

    por ser usted, haremos una excepción — for you o since it's you, we'll make an exception

    4) (con predicado introducido por `de')

    es de los vecinos — it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors'

    ésa es de las que... — she's one of those people who..., she's the sort of person who...

    ser de lo que no hay — (fam) to be incredible (colloq)

    5) (hipótesis, futuro)

    ¿será cierto? — can it be true?

    ser vi
    a) ( existir) to be
    b) (liter) ( en cuentos)

    érase una vez... — once upon a time there was...

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir)

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? — where did the accident happen?

    el asunto fue así... — it happened like this...

    ser de algo/alguien: ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him; ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq); ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? — what will become of us?

    3) ( sumar)

    ¿cuánto es (todo)? — how much is that (altogether)?

    son 3.000 pesos — that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos

    4) (causar, significar) to be
    5) ( resultar)
    6) ( consistir en) to be

    lo importante es participarthe important o main thing is to take part

    7) (indicando finalidad, adecuación)

    fue aquí donde lo vi — this is where I saw him, it was here that I saw him

    fui yo quien or la que lo dije fui yo quien or la que lo dijo — I was the one who said it, it was me that said it


    es que...: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?; es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim; díselo, si es que te atreves — tell him, if you dare


    lo que es... — (fam)

    lo que es yo, no pienso hablarle más — I certainly have no intention of speaking to him again

    lo que es saber idiomas!it sure is something to be able to speak languages! (AmE), what it is to be able to speak languages! (BrE)

    a no ser que — (+ subj) unless

    como debe ser: ¿ves como me acordé? - como debe ser! see, I did remember- I should think so too!; los presentó uno por uno, como debe ser she introduced them one by one, as you should; ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq); como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what; hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done; puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like; como ser (CS) such as; de no ser así (frml) should this not be the case (frml); de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml); de no ser por...: de no ser por él,... if it hadn't been o if it weren't for him,...; eso es! that's it!, that's right!; lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something; tú pagas tus mil pesos o lo que sea... you pay your thousand pesos or whatever...; estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes o anything; no sea que or no vaya a ser que (+ subj) in case; cierra la ventana, no sea or no vaya a ser que llueva close the window in case it rains; ten cuidado, no sea or no vaya a ser que lo eches todo a perder be careful or you'll ruin everything; o sea: los empleados de más antigüedad, o sea los que llevan aquí más de... longer serving employees, that is to say those who have been here more than...; o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested; o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out; (ya) sea..., (ya) sea... either..., or...; (ya) sea por caridad, (ya) sea por otra razón,... whether he did it out of charity or for some other reason,...; sea como sea: hay que impedirlo, sea como sea it must be prevented now matter how o at all costs; sea cuando sea whenever it is; sea quien sea le dices que no estoy whoever it is, tell them I'm not in; si no fuera/hubiera sido por... — if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for...

    12) ( en el tiempo) to be

    ¿qué fecha es hoy? — what's the date today?, what's today's date

    ¿qué día es hoy? — what day is it today?

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó — it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived; ver tb verbo impersonal

    ser v impers to be

    ser + pp — to be + pp

    a) ( ente) being
    b) (individuo, persona)
    b) ( carácter esencial) essence
    3) (Fil) being
    * * *
    I 1.
    [ ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1]

    es inglés/rubio/católico — he's English/fair/(a) Catholic

    era cierto/posible — it was true/possible

    sé bueno, estáte quieto — be a good boy and keep still

    que seas muy feliz — I hope you'll be very happy; (+ me/te/le etc)

    para serte sincero — to be honest with you, to tell you the truth

    siempre le he sido fiel — I've always been faithful to her; ver tb verbo intransitivo I 5

    ¿éste es o se hace?/¿tú eres o te haces? — (AmL fam) is he/are you stupid or something? (colloq)

    el mayor es casado/divorciado — the oldest is married/divorced

    es viuda — she's a widow; ver tb estar I 3)

    3) (seguido de nombre, pronombre, sintagma nominal) to be

    soy peluquera/abogada — I'm a hairdresser/a lawyer

    ábreme, soy Mariano/yo — open the door, it's Mariano/it's me

    por ser usted, haremos una excepción — for you o since it's you, we'll make an exception

    4) (con predicado introducido por `de')

    es de los vecinos — it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors'

    ésa es de las que... — she's one of those people who..., she's the sort of person who...

    ser de lo que no hay — (fam) to be incredible (colloq)

    5) (hipótesis, futuro)

    ¿será cierto? — can it be true?

    ser vi
    a) ( existir) to be
    b) (liter) ( en cuentos)

    érase una vez... — once upon a time there was...

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir)

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? — where did the accident happen?

    el asunto fue así... — it happened like this...

    ser de algo/alguien: ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him; ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq); ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? — what will become of us?

    3) ( sumar)

    ¿cuánto es (todo)? — how much is that (altogether)?

    son 3.000 pesos — that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos

    4) (causar, significar) to be
    5) ( resultar)
    6) ( consistir en) to be

    lo importante es participarthe important o main thing is to take part

    7) (indicando finalidad, adecuación)

    fue aquí donde lo vi — this is where I saw him, it was here that I saw him

    fui yo quien or la que lo dije fui yo quien or la que lo dijo — I was the one who said it, it was me that said it


    es que...: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?; es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim; díselo, si es que te atreves — tell him, if you dare


    lo que es... — (fam)

    lo que es yo, no pienso hablarle más — I certainly have no intention of speaking to him again

    lo que es saber idiomas!it sure is something to be able to speak languages! (AmE), what it is to be able to speak languages! (BrE)

    a no ser que — (+ subj) unless

    como debe ser: ¿ves como me acordé? - como debe ser! see, I did remember- I should think so too!; los presentó uno por uno, como debe ser she introduced them one by one, as you should; ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq); como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what; hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done; puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like; como ser (CS) such as; de no ser así (frml) should this not be the case (frml); de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml); de no ser por...: de no ser por él,... if it hadn't been o if it weren't for him,...; eso es! that's it!, that's right!; lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something; tú pagas tus mil pesos o lo que sea... you pay your thousand pesos or whatever...; estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes o anything; no sea que or no vaya a ser que (+ subj) in case; cierra la ventana, no sea or no vaya a ser que llueva close the window in case it rains; ten cuidado, no sea or no vaya a ser que lo eches todo a perder be careful or you'll ruin everything; o sea: los empleados de más antigüedad, o sea los que llevan aquí más de... longer serving employees, that is to say those who have been here more than...; o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested; o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out; (ya) sea..., (ya) sea... either..., or...; (ya) sea por caridad, (ya) sea por otra razón,... whether he did it out of charity or for some other reason,...; sea como sea: hay que impedirlo, sea como sea it must be prevented now matter how o at all costs; sea cuando sea whenever it is; sea quien sea le dices que no estoy whoever it is, tell them I'm not in; si no fuera/hubiera sido por... — if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for...

    12) ( en el tiempo) to be

    ¿qué fecha es hoy? — what's the date today?, what's today's date

    ¿qué día es hoy? — what day is it today?

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó — it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived; ver tb verbo impersonal

    ser v impers to be

    ser + pp — to be + pp

    a) ( ente) being
    b) (individuo, persona)
    b) ( carácter esencial) essence
    3) (Fil) being
    * * *
    1 = being, creature.

    Ex: A feeling of unshielded relief filled Pope's whole being.

    Ex: Stories that lead to doing things are all the more attractive to children, who are active rather than passive creatures.
    * abducción por seres extraterrestres = alien abduction.
    * alimentación del ser humano = human nutrition.
    * llegada de seres extraterrestres = alien visitation.
    * nutrición del ser humano = human nutrition.
    * ser consecuente con Uno mismo = be true to + Reflexivo.
    * ser extraterrestre = alien creature.
    * ser fiel con Uno mismo = be true to + Reflexivo.
    * ser humano = human being, human, human person.
    * ser inteligente = intelligent being.
    * ser pensante = sentient being.
    * ser superior = supreme being, higher being, superior being.
    * ser supremo = supreme being.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser vivo = living being, sentient being.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * tráfico de seres humanos = trafficking in human beings.
    * trata de seres humanos = trafficking in human beings.

    2 = be, take + the form of, stand as.

    Ex: Systems such as Dialog, IRS, ORBIT and BLAISE may be accessed by libraries and information units.

    Ex: Hierarchical relationships may also take the form of co-ordinate relationships, in which case they may be represented by 'RT' or related term, in a similar manner to affinitive relationships below.
    Ex: Meantime, our new library stand as as a confident symbol of the importance of ALL librarires to the nation's cultural, educational and economic success.
    * anhelar ser = ache to be.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * así es = that's how it is.
    * así sea = amen.
    * así son las cosas = that's they way things are.
    * centrado en el ser humano = anthropocentric.
    * clonación del ser humano = human cloning.
    * como es el caso de = as it is with.
    * cómo + ser = what + be like.
    * conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight.
    * continuar siendo importante = remain + big.
    * crearse el prestigio de ser = establish + a record as.
    * cualquiera que fuere = any... whatsoever.
    * cualquiera que fuese = any... whatsoever.
    * cualquiera que sea + Nombre = whichever + Nombre.
    * debilidad del ser humano = mankind's frailty.
    * dejar de ser útil = outlive + Posesivo + usefulness.
    * demostrar ser = prove + to be.
    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.
    * dicho sea de paso = by the by(e).
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * dinero + ser para = money + go towards.
    * el + Nombre + es inestimable = the + Nombre + cannot be overestimated.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * el sueño de todo ser viviente = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * entrar sin ser visto = sneak into.
    * es = it's [it is].
    * esa es la cuestión = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esa es la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * es decir = i.e. (latín - id est), in other words, that is, that is to say, which is to say.
    * es de deducir que = it follows that.
    * es de destacar que = significantly.
    * es de esperar = hopefully.
    * es de esperar que = all being well.
    * es de resaltar que = significantly.
    * es de suponer que = presumably.
    * ese es el asunto = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * ese es el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * es el momento adecuado = the moment is ripe, the time is ripe.
    * es el momento oportuno = the moment is ripe, the time is ripe.
    * es evidente = clearly.
    * es importante destacar = importantly.
    * es inevitable que = inevitably.
    * es interesante que = interestingly.
    * es lo que a mí me parece = my two cents' worth.
    * es lo que yo pienso = my two cents' worth.
    * es más = more important, moreover.
    * es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo = easier said than done.
    * es mi opinión = my two cents' worth.
    * es mi parecer = my two cents' worth.
    * es por lo tanto deducible que = it therefore follows that.
    * es por lo tanto de esperar que = it therefore follows that.
    * es por lo tanto lógico que = it therefore follows that.
    * ¡esta es tu oportunidad! = here's your chance!.
    * estar siendo + Participio = be in process of + Nombre.
    * evitar ser afectado = escape + unaffected.
    * fue durante mucho tiempo = long remained.
    * haber sido aceptado = be here to stay, have come + to stay.
    * haber sido comprobado exhaustivamente = be thoroughly tested.
    * la razón de ser = the reason for being.
    * la verdad sea dicha = to tell the truth.
    * llegar a ser = become, develop into.
    * llegar a ser conocido como = become + known as.
    * lo que es aun peor = worse still.
    * lo que es peor = what's worse.
    * lo que haya que de ser, será = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que + ser = what + be like.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * merecer ser mencionado = deserve + mention.
    * no ser aconsejable = be undesirable.
    * no ser + Adjetivo + Infinitivo = be less than + Adjetivo + Infinitivo.
    * no ser así ya = be no longer the case.
    * no ser bien visto = be in the doghouse.
    * no ser cobarde = be no chicken.
    * no ser consciente de = remain + unaware of.
    * no ser deseable = be undesirable.
    * no + ser + de sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no ser fácil = be no picnic, not be easy.
    * no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.
    * no ser lo suficientemente bueno = not be good enough.
    * no ser más que = be nothing more than, be nothing but.
    * no ser nada = add up to + nothing.
    * no ser nada fácil = be hard-pushed to.
    * no ser ningún jovencito = be no chicken.
    * no ser ni una cosa ni otra = fall between + two stools.
    * no ser sino = be nothing but.
    * no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.
    * no ser un lecho de rosas = be not all roses.
    * no ser verdad = be untrue.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * no tener razón de ser + Infinitivo = there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * para ser específico = to be specific.
    * para ser franco = in all honesty.
    * para ser sincero = to be honest, in all honesty.
    * pasar a ser = become, develop into.
    * por ser + Adjetivo = as being + Adjetivo.
    * por si fuera poco = to boot, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * posible de ser consultado por máquina = machine-viewable.
    * posible de ser visto en pantalla = displayable.
    * primer puesto + ser para = pride of place + go to.
    * puede muy bien ser = could well be.
    * puede muy bien ser que = it may well be that.
    * que fue = one-time.
    * que fue común antes = once-common.
    * que ha sido abordado con preguntas = accost.
    * que puede ser apilado = stacking.
    * razón de ser = point, raison d'etre, rationale, sense of purpose.
    * ser reconocido = gain + recognition.
    * resultar ser = prove + to be, turn out to be, happen + to be.
    * sea como sea = be that as it may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price, come hell or high water.
    * sea cual fuere = any... whatsoever, any... whatsoever.
    * sea cual fuese = any... whatsoever, any... whatsoever.
    * sea cual sea el criterio utilizado = by any standard(s).
    * sea lo que sea = whatever it is, be that as it may, call it what you want.
    * seamos realistas = face it, let's face it.
    * sean cuales sean = whatever they may be.
    * sentido del ser humano = human sense.
    * ser accesible a través de = be available through.
    * ser aceptado = take + hold, gain + acceptance, take off.
    * ser acertado = be spot on.
    * ser aconsejable = be welcome, be better served by, be in order.
    * ser acorde con = be commensurate with.
    * ser acuciante = be acute.
    * ser acusado de delito criminal = face + criminal charge.
    * ser adecuado = be right, stand up, fit + the bill.
    * ser + Adjetivo = get + Adjetivo.
    * ser + Adjetivo + para = have + a + Adjetivo + effect on.
    * ser afectado por = have + a high stake in.
    * ser aficionado a = be fond of.
    * ser afortunado = be lucky, strike + lucky.
    * ser agradable de oír = be good to hear.
    * ser agradable + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * ser algo bien conocido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.
    * ser algo bueno = be a good thing.
    * ser algo completamente distinto = be nothing of the sort.
    * ser algo común = be a fact of life, dominate + the scene, be a common occurrence, become + a common feature, be a part of life.
    * ser Algo demasiado difícil para = be in over + Posesivo + head, be out of + Posesivo + depth.
    * ser algo excepcional = be the exception rather than the rule, be in a league of its own.
    * ser algo fácil = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * ser algo facilísimo = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * ser algo habitual = become + a common feature, be a fact of life.
    * ser Algo imponente = loom + large.
    * ser algo inevitable = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * ser algo más profundo que = go + deeper than.
    * ser algo más serio que = go + deeper than.
    * ser algo (muy) bien sabido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.
    * ser algo muy claro = be a dead giveaway.
    * ser algo muy fácil de conseguir = be there for the taking.
    * ser Algo muy importante = loom + large.
    * ser algo muy obvio = be a dead giveaway.
    * ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo muy raro = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo muy revelador = be a giveaway.
    * ser algo natural para = be second nature to + Pronombre, come + naturally to.
    * ser algo normal = be a fact of life, become + a common feature, be a part of life.
    * ser algo permanente = be here to stay.
    * ser algo poco común = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser algo poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser algo poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser algo por lo que = be a matter for/of.
    * ser algo por ver = be an open question.
    * ser algo que no ocurre con frecuencia = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo seguro = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * ser algo útil para = be something in the hand for.
    * ser amado = loved-one.
    * ser amigo de = be buddies with.
    * ser analizado como una frase = be phrase parsed.
    * ser apreciado = receive + appreciation.
    * ser apropiado = be right.
    * ser aproximadamente + Número = be around + Número, be about + Número.
    * ser arrestado = be under arrest.
    * ser asequible = be available, become + available.
    * ser asequible a = be amenable to.
    * ser así = be the case (with), be just like that.
    * ser atacado = be under attack, come under + fire, be under assault.
    * ser atractivo = look + attractive, be popular in appeal.
    * ser atrevido = make + a bold statement.
    * ser atribuible a = be attributable to.
    * ser aun más = be all the more.
    * ser autosuficiente = stand on + Posesivo + own, self-serve.
    * ser autosuficiente económicamente = pay + Posesivo + own way.
    * ser avaricioso = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * ser bienvenido = be most welcome, make + welcome, be welcome.
    * ser bonito + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * ser buenísimo + Gerundio = be terrific at + Gerundio.
    * ser bueno = make + good + Nombre.
    * ser bueno en = be good at.
    * ser bueno para Alguien = be to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * ser cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * ser capaz de = be capable of.
    * ser capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to.
    * ser característico de = be emblematic of.
    * ser carísimo = cost + be prohibitive.
    * ser caro = be steep.
    * ser casi seguro = be a good bet.
    * ser chiquito pero matón = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * ser chulo = be cool.
    * ser clavado a = be a dead ringer for.
    * ser cliente de una tienda = patronise + shop.
    * ser coherente = cohere.
    * ser como el día y la noche = different as night and day.
    * ser como hablar con la pared = be like talking to a brick wall.
    * ser como mínimo = be no less than.
    * ser como una esfera = wrap around.
    * ser como un círculo = wrap around.
    * ser como un libro abierto = be an open book.
    * ser complementario el uno del otro = be integral one to another.
    * ser complementarios = be integral one to another.
    * ser completamente diferente = be in a different league.
    * ser completo = be all inclusive.
    * ser común = be the case (with).
    * ser condenado a prisión = receive + prison sentence.
    * ser confuso = be deceiving.
    * ser conocido por = famously, have + a track record of.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser consciente = sentient being.
    * ser consciente de = be alive to, be aware of, be cognisant of, be mindful of/that, become + cognisant of, be aware of, realise [realize, -USA].
    * ser consciente de + Posesivo + valía = be alive to + Posesivo + worth.
    * ser consciente + desafortunadamente = be painfully aware of.
    * ser contradictorio de = run + contrary to.
    * ser contraproducente = defeat + Posesivo + purpose, blowback.
    * ser contrario a = be contrary to, be hostile to.
    * ser conveniente + Infinitivo = be as well + Infinitivo, be well + Infinitivo.
    * ser correcto = be all right, be correct, be right.
    * ser cortés con = be civil towards.
    * ser costumbre = be customary.
    * ser creativo = be inventive.
    * ser creíble = invoke + belief.
    * ser criticado = be subjected to + criticism, be (the) subject of/to criticism, take + heat, come under + fire.
    * ser crucial (para) = be central (to).
    * ser cuestión de = come down to.
    * ser culpable = be to blame.
    * ser culpable (por/de) = be at fault (for/to).
    * ser dado a = be amenable to, be apt to, be given to.
    * ser de = be a native of.
    * ser de alto nivel = be at a high level.
    * ser de armas tomar = be a (real) handful.
    * ser de ayuda = be of assistance.
    * ser debatible = be a moot point, be open to question, be open to debate, be at issue.
    * ser de calidad = be up to snuff, be up to scratch.
    * ser decisión de + Nombre = be down to + Nombre.
    * ser de contenido + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in content.
    * ser de crecimiento rápido = be a quick grower.
    * ser de difícil acceso = tuck away.
    * ser de dominio público = be public domain.
    * ser deficiente = be wanting.
    * ser definitivo = be final.
    * ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.
    * ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.
    * ser de importancia primordial = be of key importance.
    * ser de importancia vital = lie at + the heart of.
    * ser de interés para = be of interest (to/for).
    * ser dejado en la obligación de Uno = be derelict in + duty.
    * ser de la izquierda = be of the left.
    * ser de la noche = night creature.
    * ser de la opinión de que = be of the opinion that, be of the view that.
    * ser del gusto de Uno = be to + Posesivo + taste.
    * ser del orden de + Número = be of the order of + Número.
    * ser de los que piensan que = subscribe to + view.
    * ser demasiado = be over-provided, be a mouthful.
    * ser demasiado + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
    * ser demasiado complaciente = lean over + too far backwards.
    * ser demasiado común = be all too common.
    * ser demasiado para = be too much for, be too much for.
    * ser demasiado precavido = err + on the side of caution.
    * ser demasiado preciso = put + too fine a point on, split + hairs.
    * ser demasiado quisquilloso = put + too fine a point on, split + hairs.
    * ser demasiado tarde para echar atrás = reach + the point of no return.
    * ser de mucho uso = take + Nombre + a long way.
    * ser de número limitado = be limited in number.
    * ser de origen + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in origin.
    * ser de poco valor = be of little use, be of little value.
    * ser de primera categoría = be top notch.
    * ser de raza negra o de piel morena = be coloured.
    * ser de sabios = be a point of wisdom.
    * ser desacertado = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * ser desastroso = spell + bad news, be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * ser desconocido para = be alien to.
    * ser descorazonador = be dispiriting.
    * ser desoído = be unheeded.
    * ser despiadado = play + hardball.
    * ser detenido = be under arrest.
    * ser de un solo uso = be a one-trip pony.
    * ser de un tipo diferente = be different in kind, differ in + kind (from).
    * ser de un valor especial = be of particular value.
    * ser de uso general = be in general use, be generally available.
    * ser de utilidad = be of use.
    * ser de utilidad a = be of service to.
    * ser diestro en = be skilled at.
    * ser difícil = be a stretch.
    * ser difícil de bregar = be a (real) handful.
    * ser difícil de conseguir = be hard to get.
    * ser difícil de creer = beggar + belief.
    * ser difícil de encontrar = be hard to find.
    * ser difícil de lograr = be hard to get.
    * ser difícil de superar = take + some beating.
    * ser digno de = merit.
    * ser digno de admiración = deserve + admiration.
    * ser digno de crítica = merit + a critical eye.
    * ser digno de + Infinitivo = be worth + Gerundio.
    * ser diplomático = say + the right thing.
    * ser discutible = be open to question, be open to debate, be at issue.
    * ser dogmático = be dogmatic.
    * ser dos mundos completamente distintos = be poles apart.
    * ser dudoso = be doubtful.
    * ser duro = play + hardball.
    * ser eficaz para + Infinitivo = be efficient at + Gerundio.
    * ser el acabóse = take + the biscuit, take + the cake, be the limit.
    * ser el alma de = be the life of, be the life and soul of.
    * ser el asunto = be the point.
    * ser el beneficiario de = be on the receiving end of.
    * ser el blanco de = be a pushover for.
    * ser el blanco de las críticas = come under + fire.
    * ser el canalizador de = be the conduit for.
    * ser el capitán = skipper, captain.
    * ser el caso (de) = be the case (with).
    * ser el centro de atención = steal + the limelight, steal + the show, cut + a dash.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser el colmo = be the last straw, bring + the situation to a head, take + the biscuit, take + the cake, be the limit.
    * ser el contrincante más débil = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * ser el culo del mundo = be the pits.
    * ser elegido = get in.
    * ser elevado = be steep.
    * ser el éxito de la fiesta = steal + the limelight, steal + the show.
    * ser el fin de = sign + a death warrant (for).
    * ser el jefe = be in charge, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * ser el límite = be the limit.
    * ser el mandamás = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * ser el más afectado por = bear + the brunt of.
    * ser el máximo = be the limit.
    * ser el momento clave = mark + the watershed.
    * ser el momento (de) = be the time to.
    * ser el momento decisivo = mark + the watershed.
    * ser el momento de/para = it + be + time to/for.
    * ser el objetivo de Uno = be in business for.
    * ser el orgullo de = be the pride and joy of.
    * ser el origen de = provide + the material for.
    * ser el paraje natural de = be home to.
    * ser el preludio = usher in.
    * ser el primero = be second to none, come out on + top.
    * ser el primero en = lead + the way in.
    * ser el primero en + Infinitivo = take + the lead in + Gerundio.
    * ser el punto de partida de = form + the basis of.
    * ser el punto más débil de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el punto más flaco de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el que con mayor frecuencia = be (the) most likely to.
    * ser el que con menor frecuencia = be (the) least likely to.
    * ser el resultado de = follow from, result from.
    * ser el segundo de a bordo = play + second fiddle.
    * ser el último grito = be all the rage.
    * ser el último mono ser el último mono = feel + pulled and tugged.
    * ser emblemático de = be emblematic of.
    * ser en balde = be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.
    * ser en vano = be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * ser enviado a = have + the lead to.
    * ser equiparable a = be commensurate with.
    * ser erróneo = be wide of the mark, be wrong.
    * ser escaso = be few and far between, be in short supply.
    * ser esclavo de = be slave to.
    * ser estupendo = sound + great, be fine and dandy.
    * ser estúpido = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * ser exigente al elegir = pick and choose.
    * ser exigente al escoger = pick and choose.
    * ser experto en = be skilled at.
    * ser expulsado de = be dropped from.
    * ser extraño para = be alien to.
    * ser extremadamente + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
    * ser fácil = be easy.
    * ser fácil de conseguir = be readily available.
    * ser facilísimo = be a snap, be a piece of cake.
    * ser factible de = be amenable to.
    * ser familiar = strike + familiar chords, ring + a bell.
    * ser famoso = gain + recognition, be popular.
    * ser famoso por = famously, have + a track record of.
    * ser favorable = be a plus.
    * ser ficticio = be fiction.
    * ser fiel a = cleave to.
    * ser fructífero = come to + fruition.
    * ser goloso = have + a sweet tooth.
    * ser grosero con = be abusive of.
    * ser hábil para = be adroit at.
    * ser habitual = be customary.
    * ser harina de otro costal = be a different kettle of fish.
    * ser hipertenso = be hyper.
    * ser hora de = it + be + time to/for.
    * ser hora de definirse = time to climb off the fence.
    * ser hora de irse = be time to go.
    * ser hora de marcharse = be time to go.
    * ser hora ya de que = be about time (that), be high time (that/to/for).
    * ser humilde = hide + Posesivo + light under a bushel.
    * sería mejor que + Subjuntivo = better + Infinitivo.
    * ser ideal = suit + best, be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.
    * ser ideal para Uno = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser idóneo para = be suited to.
    * ser ignorado = be unheeded.
    * ser igual a = be equivalent to, equal.
    * ser igual que = amount to + the same thing as.
    * ser ilegal = be against the law.
    * ser ilimitado = be boundless.
    * ser implacable = play + hardball.
    * ser imponente = be awe-inspiring.
    * ser importante = be of importance, make + a difference, be of consequence.
    * ser importantísimo = make + all the difference in the world, make + difference in the world.
    * ser importantísimo (para) = be central (to).
    * ser imposible = be dead meat.
    * ser imprescindible = be a must.
    * ser improcedente = be out of order.
    * ser imprudente = be reckless.
    * ser inalterable = set in + stone, set in + tablets of stone.
    * ser incapaz de = be unable to.
    * ser incoherente = Negativo + hold + water.
    * ser incompatible (con) = be irreconcilable (with).
    * ser inconsistente = Negativo + hold + water.
    * ser increíble = beggar + belief.
    * ser independiente = go + Posesivo + own way, stew in + Posesivo + own juice, stand on + Posesivo + own (two) feet.
    * ser indescriptible = beggar + description.
    * ser indispensable = be a must.
    * ser ineficaz = fire + blanks.
    * ser infundado = be unfounded.
    * ser inherente a = inhere in.
    * ser inimaginable = beggar + imagination.
    * ser inminente = be on the cards.
    * ser inmune a = be immune from, be immune against.
    * ser innovador = break + new ground, break + ground.
    * ser innumerable = be without number, be legion.
    * ser innumerables = run into + the thousands.
    * ser insignificante = pale into + insignificance, stick + Algo + on a pin-point, be of no consequence.
    * ser insignificante de = be slight in.
    * ser inteligente = be talented.
    * ser interesante = be of interest (to/for).
    * ser interesante + Infinitivo = be as well + Infinitivo, be well + Infinitivo.
    * ser interesante + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * ser interminable = there + be + no end to.
    * ser intransigente = play + hardball.
    * ser inútil = fire + blanks.
    * ser irrespetuoso con = disrespect, diss.
    * ser justo = play + fair.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * ser justo hasta con el diablo = give the devil his due.
    * ser justo lo que se necesita = be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.
    * ser justo lo que Uno necesita = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser justo que = there + be + justice in.
    * ser juzgado = stand + trial, stand for + trial.
    * ser la abreviatura de = be short for.
    * ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.
    * ser la ciudad de = be home to.
    * ser la clave de = hold + the key to.
    * ser la comidilla del barrio = be the talk of the town.
    * ser la comidilla del pueblo = be the talk of the town.
    * ser la consecuencia de = follow from, result from.
    * ser la costumbre = be customary.
    * ser la cuestión = be the point.
    * ser la culminación de Algo = represent + the culmination of, mark + the culmination of.
    * ser la culpa de = be the fault of.
    * ser la debilidad de Alguien = be a sucker for.
    * ser la elección lógica = be a/the natural choice.
    * ser la elección natural = be a/the natural choice.
    * ser la excepción = be the exception.
    * ser la excepción a la regla = constitute + the exception to the rule.
    * ser la excepción que confirma la regla = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser la forma abreviada de = be short for.
    * ser la forma de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la fórmula para = be a recipe for.
    * ser la gota que colma el vaso = bring + the situation to a head.
    * ser la idea central de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.
    * ser la imagen de = be a picture of.
    * ser la intención = be the intention.
    * ser la intención de uno = be + Posesivo + intention.
    * ser la manera de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la materia prima de = be grist to + Posesivo + mill.
    * ser la mayoría = be in the majority.
    * ser la mejor alternativa = be the best bet.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * ser lamentable = be a pity.
    * ser la minoría = be in the minority.
    * ser la norma = be the norm, be the rule, become + the norm.
    * ser la novedad = be on the scene.
    * ser la obra de = be the work of.
    * ser la persona ideal para = be the best placed to.
    * ser la persona más indicada para = be in a position to.
    * ser la propia responsabilidad de Alguien = be of + Posesivo + own making.
    * ser la prueba de fuego de Algo = test + Nombre + to the limit.
    * ser la punta de lanza de = spearhead.
    * ser la razón de = lie at + the root of.
    * ser la representación misma de = be a picture of.
    * ser la responsabilidad de = be the responsibility of.
    * ser la responsabilidad de Alguien + Infinitivo = it + lie with + Nombre/Pronombre + to + Infinitivo.
    * ser la última palabra = be all the rage.
    * ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo = be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo.
    * ser lector de una biblioteca = library membership.
    * ser lento = be slow off the mark, be slow off the blocks.
    * ser líder en = take + the lead in + Gerundio.
    * ser lo de Uno = be cut out for, be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser lo más parecido a = be as close as we come to.
    * ser lo mismo = be one and the same.
    * ser lo normal = be the order of the day.
    * ser lo principal de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.
    * ser lo que a Uno le encanta = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser lo que a Uno le gusta = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser lo que a Uno le interesa = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser lo que a Uno le va = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser lo que a Uno más le gusta = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * ser lo que nos espera = be the shape of things to come.
    * ser lo suficientemente + Adjetivo + como para = be + Adjetivo + enough to.
    * ser lo suficientemente comprensivo = go + far enough.
    * ser lo suficientemente conocido como para que = be sufficiently well known for.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser lo último = be all the rage, be the pits.
    * ser lo último en = become + the next stop in.
    * ser lo último en lo que + pensar = be the last thing of + Posesivo + mind.
    * ser lo último que + ocurrir + a Alguien = be the last thing of + Posesivo + mind.
    * ser magnífico + Gerundio = be terrific at + Gerundio.
    * ser malo = be a joke, spell + bad news, make + poor + Nombre.
    * ser maravilloso = sound + great.
    * ser más astuto que = outfox, outwit, outsmart.
    * ser más interno = inner being.
    * ser más un + Nombre = be more of a + Nombre.
    * ser mayor = be older.
    * ser mejor en = be better at.
    * ser mejor que = be superior to, compare + favourably.
    * ser mejor que + Subjuntivo = better + Infinitivo.
    * ser menor = be less.
    * ser menos + Adjetivo = be less of a(n) + Nombre.
    * ser mínimo = be at a minimum.
    * ser mirado de forma extraña = get + some funny looks.
    * ser modesto = hide + Posesivo + light under a bushel.
    * ser molesto = be disturbing.
    * ser moroso = be in default.
    * ser motivador = be motivating.
    * ser motivo de preocupación = loom + large.
    * ser mucho = be a mouthful.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser mucho más que = be far more than.
    * ser muy aconsejable que = be well advised to.
    * ser muy alto = be metres high.
    * ser muy amigo de = be pally with.
    * ser muy antiguo = go ba

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    = Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión
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    ser ( conjugate ser) cópula
    1 ( seguido de adjetivos) to be
    ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1 es bajo/muy callado he's short/very quiet;

    es sorda de nacimiento she was born deaf;
    es inglés/católico he's English/(a) Catholic;
    era cierto it was true;
    sé bueno, estate quieto be a good boy and keep still;
    que seas muy feliz I hope you'll be very happy;

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    ver tb imposible, difícil etc
    2 ( hablando de estado civil) to be;

    es viuda she's a widow;
    ver tb estar 1 cópula 2
    3 (seguido de nombre, pronombre) to be;

    ábreme, soy yo open the door, it's me
    4 (con predicado introducido por `de'):

    soy de Córdoba I'm from Cordoba;
    es de los vecinos it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors';
    no soy de aquí I'm not from around here
    5 (hipótesis, futuro):

    ¿será cierto? can it be true?
    verbo intransitivo

    b) (liter) ( en cuentos):

    érase una vez … once upon a time there was …

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir):

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? where did the accident happen?

    ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him;

    ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq);
    ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? what will become of us?
    3 ( sumar):
    ¿cuánto es (todo)? how much is that (altogether)?;

    son 3.000 pesos that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos;
    somos diez en total there are ten of us altogether
    4 (indicando finalidad, adecuación) ser para algo to be for sth;

    ( en locs)
    a no ser que (+ subj) unless;

    ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq);
    como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what;
    hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done;
    el lunes o cuando sea next Monday or whenever;
    puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like;
    de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml);
    ¡eso es! that's it!, that's right!;
    es que …: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?;
    es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim;
    lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something;
    estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes;
    o sea: en febrero, o sea hace un mes in February, that is to say a month ago;
    o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested;
    o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out;
    (ya) sea …, (ya) sea … either …, or …;
    sea como sea at all costs;
    sea cuando sea whenever it is;
    sea donde sea no matter where;
    sea quien sea whoever it is;
    si no fuera/hubiera sido por … if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for …
    ( en el tiempo) to be;
    ¿qué fecha es hoy? what's the date today?, what's today's date;

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived;
    ver tb v impers
    ser v impers to be;

    ser v aux ( en la voz pasiva) to be;
    fue construido en 1900 it was built in 1900
    ■ sustantivo masculino
    a) ( ente) being;

    ser humano/vivo human/living being

    b) (individuo, persona):

    2 ( naturaleza):

    I sustantivo masculino
    1 being: es un ser despreciable, he's despicable
    ser humano, human being
    ser vivo, living being
    2 (esencia) essence: eso forma parte de su ser, that is part of him
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (cualidad) to be: eres muy modesto, you are very modest
    2 (fecha) to be: hoy es lunes, today is Monday
    ya es la una, it's one o'clock
    3 (cantidad) eran unos cincuenta, there were about fifty people
    (al pagar) ¿cuánto es?, how much is it?
    son doscientas, it is two hundred pesetas
    Mat dos y tres son cinco, two and three make five
    4 (causa) aquella mujer fue su ruina, that woman was his ruin
    5 (oficio) to be a(n): Elvira es enfermera, Elvira is a nurse
    6 (pertenencia) esto es mío, that's mine
    es de Pedro, it is Pedro's
    7 (afiliación) to belong: es del partido, he's a member of the party
    es un chico del curso superior, he is a boy from the higher year
    8 (origen) es de Málaga, she is from Málaga
    ¿de dónde es esta fruta? where does this fruit come from?
    9 (composición, material) to be made of: este jersey no es de lana, this sweater is not (made of) wool
    10 ser de, (afinidad, comparación) lo que hizo fue de tontos, what she did was a foolish thing
    11 (existir) Madrid ya no es lo que era, Madrid isn't what it used to be
    12 (suceder) ¿qué fue de ella?, what became of her?
    13 (tener lugar) to be: esta tarde es el entierro, the funeral is this evening 14 ser para, (finalidad) to be for: es para pelar patatas, it's for peeling potatoes
    (adecuación, aptitud) no es una película para niños, the film is not suitable for children
    esta vida no es para ti, this kind of life is not for you
    15 (efecto) era para llorar, it was painful
    es (como) para darle una bofetada, it makes me want to slap his face
    no es para tomárselo a broma, it is no joke
    16 (auxiliar en pasiva) to be: fuimos rescatados por la patrulla de la Cruz Roja, we were rescued by the Red Cross patrol
    17 ser de (+ infinitivo) era de esperar que se marchase, it was to be expected that she would leave
    ♦ Locuciones: a no ser que, unless
    como sea, anyhow
    de no ser por..., had it not been for
    es más, furthermore
    es que..., it's just that...
    lo que sea, whatever
    o sea, that is (to say)
    sea como sea, in any case o be that as it may
    ser de lo que no hay, to be the limit
    ' ser' also found in these entries:
    - acceder
    - además
    - aficionada
    - aficionado
    - alardear
    - alcanzar
    - alimentar
    - alta
    - alto
    - ambicionar
    - antigüedad
    - aparición
    - arma
    - atinar
    - atorarse
    - aúpa
    - babear
    - básica
    - básico
    - bendición
    - caber
    - cacho
    - cada
    - cafetera
    - cafetero
    - calco
    - callo
    - canela
    - cansada
    - cansado
    - cantar
    - capaz
    - capirote
    - carácter
    - cardo
    - carne
    - carné
    - caso
    - cero
    - colarse
    - comida
    - comidilla
    - comido
    - conmigo
    - conquistador
    - conquistadora
    - contagiarse
    - contemplar
    - contienda
    - addicted
    - adjust
    - allow
    - allowance
    - ambition
    - amount to
    - anathema
    - anomaly
    - arduous
    - around
    - aspire
    - aware
    - bad
    - be
    - beating
    - being
    - belong
    - betray
    - big
    - bill
    - bind over
    - bird
    - booby trap
    - boring
    - bounce
    - can
    - carry
    - catch up
    - cerebral
    - ceremonial
    - ceremony
    - charm
    - chip
    - claim
    - come into
    - come under
    - connoisseur
    - court
    - degree
    - deserve
    - destroy
    - differ
    - do
    - dodger
    - doubly
    - due
    - ear
    - easy
    - edit
    * * *
    ser The auxiliary verb ser is used with the past participle of a verb to form the passive (e.g. la película fue criticada the movie was criticized).
    v aux
    [para formar la voz pasiva] to be;
    fue visto por un testigo he was seen by a witness;
    la propuesta es debatida o [m5] está siendo debatida en el parlamento the proposal is being debated in parliament
    v copulativo
    1. [con adjetivos, sustantivos, pronombres] [indica cualidad, identidad, condición] to be;
    es alto/gracioso he's tall/funny;
    soy chileno/chiapaneco I'm Chilean/from Chiapas;
    es azul/difícil it's blue/difficult;
    sé discreta/paciente be discreet/patient;
    es un amigo/el dueño he's a friend/the owner;
    son unos amigos míos they're friends of mine;
    es el cartero/tu madre it's the postman o US mailman/your mother;
    soy yo, ábreme open up, it's me;
    soy Víctor [al teléfono] it's Víctor;
    la casa es aquella de ahí the house is that one over there;
    es un tipo muy simpático he's a very nice guy;
    ¿es eso verdad? is that true?;
    eso no es cierto that isn't true;
    es obvio que le gustas it's obvious that he likes you;
    no es necesario ir it isn't necessary to go;
    es posible que llueva it may rain;
    no está mal para ser de segunda mano it's not bad considering it's second-hand;
    no pierde sus derechos por ser inmigrante just because he's an immigrant doesn't mean he doesn't have any rights;
    te lo dejo en la mitad por ser tú seeing as o because it's you, I'll let you have it half-price;
    por ser usted, señora, 15 euros to you, madam, 15 euros;
    que seas muy feliz I wish you every happiness, I hope you'll be very happy;
    ¡será imbécil el tipo! the guy must be stupid!;
    este restaurante ya no es lo que era this restaurant isn't as good as it used to be o isn't what it used to be;
    RP Fam
    ser loco por algo to be wild about sth
    2. [con sustantivos, adjetivos] [indica empleo, dedicación, estado civil, religión] to be;
    soy abogado/actriz I'm a lawyer/an actress;
    son estudiantes they're students;
    para ser juez hay que trabajar mucho you have to work very hard to be o become a judge;
    es padre de tres hijos he's a father of three;
    es soltero/casado/divorciado he's single/married/divorced;
    era viuda she was a widow;
    son budistas/protestantes they are Buddhists/Protestants;
    el que fuera gobernador del estado the former governor of the state;
    Am Fam
    ¿tú eres o te haces? are you stupid or what?;
    RP Fam
    ¿vos sos o te hacés? are you stupid or what?
    3. [con "de"] [indica material, origen, propiedad]
    ser de [estar hecho de] to be made of;
    [provenir de] to be from; [pertenecer a] to belong to;
    un juguete que es todo de madera a completely wooden toy, a toy made completely of wood;
    ¿de dónde eres? where are you from?;
    estas pilas son de una linterna these batteries are from a torch;
    ¿es de usted este abrigo? is this coat yours?, does this coat belong to you?;
    los juguetes son de mi hijo the toys are my son's;
    portarse así es de cobardes only cowards behave like that, it's cowardly to behave like that
    4. [con "de"] [indica pertenencia a grupo]
    ser de [club, asociación, partido] to be a member of;
    ¿de qué equipo eres? [aficionado] which team o who do you support?;
    soy del Barcelona I support Barcelona;
    ser de los que… to be one of those people who…;
    ése es de los que están en huelga he is one of those on strike;
    no es de las que se asustan por cualquier cosa she's not one to get scared easily
    1. [ocurrir, tener lugar] to be;
    fue aquí it was here;
    ¿cuándo es la boda? when's the wedding?;
    la final era ayer the final was yesterday;
    ¿cómo fue lo de tu accidente? how did your accident happen?;
    ¿qué fue de aquel amigo tuyo? what happened to that friend of yours?;
    ¿qué es de Pablo? how's Pablo (getting on)?
    2. [constituir, consistir en] to be;
    fue un acierto que nos quedáramos en casa we were right to stay at home;
    lo importante es decidirse the important thing is to reach a decision;
    su ambición era dar la vuelta al mundo her ambition was to travel round the world;
    tratar así de mal a la gente es buscarse problemas treating people so badly is asking for trouble
    3. [con fechas, horas] to be;
    ¿qué (día) es hoy? what day is it today?, what's today?;
    hoy es jueves today's Thursday, it's Thursday today;
    ¿qué (fecha) es hoy? what's the date today?, what date is it today?;
    mañana será 15 de julio tomorrow (it) will be 15 July;
    ¿qué hora es? what time is it?, what's the time?;
    son las tres (de la tarde) it's three o'clock (in the afternoon), it's three (pm);
    serán o [m5] deben de ser las tres it must be three (o'clock)
    4. [con precios] to be;
    ¿cuánto es? how much is it?;
    son 300 pesos that'll be 300 pesos;
    ¿a cómo son esos tomates? how much are those tomatoes?
    5. [con cifras, en operaciones] to be;
    ellos eran unos 500 there were about 500 of them;
    11 por 100 son 1.100 11 times 100 is 1,100
    6. [servir, ser adecuado]
    ser para to be for;
    este trapo es para (limpiar) las ventanas this cloth is for (cleaning) the windows;
    este libro es para niños this book is for children;
    la ciudad no es para mí the city isn't for me
    7. [con "de" más infinitivo] [indica necesidad, posibilidad]
    es de desear que… it is to be hoped that…;
    era de esperar que pasara algo así it was to be expected that something like that would happen;
    es de suponer que aparecerá presumably, he'll turn up;
    es de temer cuando se enoja she's really scary when she gets angry
    8. [para recalcar, poner énfasis]
    ése es el que me lo contó he's the one who told me;
    lo que es a mí, no me llamaron they certainly didn't call me, they didn't call me, anyway;
    ¿es que ya no te acuerdas? don't you remember any more, then?, you mean you don't remember any more?
    9. [indica excusa, motivo]
    es que no me hacen caso but o the thing is they don't listen to me;
    es que no vine porque estaba enfermo the reason I didn't come is that I was ill, I didn't come because I was ill, you see;
    ¿cómo es que no te han avisado? how come they didn't tell you?
    10. Literario [existir]
    Platón, uno de los grandes sabios que en el mundo han sido Plato, one of the wisest men ever to walk this earth
    11. [en frases]
    a no ser que venga unless she comes;
    tengo que conseguirlo (sea) como sea I have to get it one way or another;
    hay que evitar (sea) como sea que se entere we have to prevent her from finding out at all costs o no matter what;
    hazlo cuando sea do it whenever;
    de no ser/haber sido por… if it weren't/hadn't been for…;
    de no ser por él no estaríamos vivos if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be alive;
    de no ser así otherwise;
    de ser así if that should happen;
    déjalo donde sea leave it anywhere o wherever;
    érase una vez, érase que se era once upon a time;
    dile lo que sea, da igual tell her anything o whatever, it doesn't make any difference;
    haré lo que sea para recuperar mi dinero I will do whatever it takes o anything to get my money back;
    se enfadó, y no era para menos she got angry, and not without reason;
    no sea que…, no vaya a ser que… in case…;
    la llamaré ahora no sea que luego me olvide I'll call her now in case I forget later;
    Estados Unidos y Japón, o sea, las dos economías mundiales más importantes the United States and Japan, that is to say o in other words, the two most important economies in the world;
    50 euros, o sea unas 8.300 pesetas 50 euros, that's about 8,300 pesetas;
    o sea que no quieres venir so you don't want to come then?;
    por si fuera poco as if that wasn't enough;
    habla con quien sea talk to anyone;
    sea quien sea no abras la puerta don't open the door, whoever it is;
    si no fuera/hubiera sido por… if it weren't/hadn't been for…;
    siendo que… seeing that o as…, given that…;
    siendo que tienes la plata, cómprate el vestido más caro seeing as o since you've got the money, buy yourself the more expensive dress
    v impersonal
    [indica tiempo] to be;
    es muy tarde it's rather late;
    era de noche/de día it was night/day
    1. [ente] being;
    seres de otro planeta beings from another planet
    ser humano human being;
    Ser Supremo Supreme Being;
    los seres vivos living things
    2. [persona] person;
    sus seres queridos his loved ones
    3. [existencia]
    mis padres me dieron el ser my parents gave me my life
    4. [esencia, naturaleza] being;
    la quiero con todo mi ser I love her with all my being o soul
    * * *
    f abr (= Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión) network of independent Spanish radio stations
    * * *
    ser {77} vi
    1) : to be
    él es mi hermano: he is my brother
    Camila es linda: Camila is pretty
    2) : to exist, to live
    ser, o no ser: to be or not to be
    3) : to take place, to occur
    el concierto es el domingo: the concert is on Sunday
    4) (used with expressions of time, date, season)
    son las diez: it's ten o'clock
    hoy es el 9: today's the 9th
    5) : to cost, to come to
    ¿cuánto es?: how much is it?
    6) (with the future tense) : to be able to be
    ¿será posible?: can it be possible?
    ser de : to come from
    somos de Managua: we're from Managua
    ser de : to belong to
    ese lápiz es de Juan: that's Juan's pencil
    es que : the thing is that
    es que no lo conozco: it's just that I don't know him
    ¡sea! : agreed!, all right!
    sea... sea : either... or
    la cuenta ha sido pagada: the bill has been paid
    él fue asesinado: he was murdered
    ser nm
    : being
    ser humano: human being
    * * *
    ser1 n (ente) being
    ser2 vb
    1. (en general) to be
    2. (estar hecho) to be made
    3. (pertenecer) to belong
    este libro es de María this book belongs to María / this book is María's

    Spanish-English dictionary > ser

  • 16 GÖRA

    ð, also spelt görva, giörva, geyra, giora, gera: prop. gøra, not gra (the ø was sounded nearly as y or ey), so that the g is to be sounded as an aspirate, however the word is spelt; and the insertion of i or j (giöra, gjöra), which is usual in mod. writing, and often occurs in old, is phonetic, not radical, and göra and gjöra represent the same sound. The word in the oldest form had a characteristic v, and is spelt so on the Runic stones in the frequent Runic phrase, gaurva kubl, Baut., and Danske Runemind. passim; but also now and then in old Icel. MSS., e. g. the Kb. of Sæm. (cited from Bugge’s Edit.), gorva, Am. 75, Skv. 1. 34, 3. 20, Hm. 123, Og. 29; gerva, Am. 64, Bkv. 3; giorva, Rm. 9; giorfa, 28; gorvir, Hkv. Hjörv. 41; gørvom, Hým. 6; gorviz, Am. 35; gerviz, Merl. 2. 89:—this characteristic v has since been dropped, and it is usually spelt without it in MSS., gora, Hým. 1, Og. 23, Ls. 65; gera, Am. 85; gorir, Hm. 114: the pret. always drops the v, gorþi, Hym. 21; gorðo or gorþo, fecerunt, Hm. 142, Am. 9; gorðumz, Hðm. 28; gerþi, Am. 74; gerþit, 26:—with i inserted, Rm. 9, 22; giordu, 11; in the Mork. freq. giavra. The ö is still sounded in the east of Icel., whereas gera is the common form in speech, gjöra in writing:—the old pres. indic. used by the poets and in the laws is monosyllabic görr, with suffixed negative, görr-a, Hkr. i. (in a verse); mod. bisyllabic görir, which form is also the usual one in the Sagas:—the old part. pass. was görr or gerr, geyrr, Fms. ix. 498, x. 75, where the v was kept before a vowel, and is often spelt with f, gorvan, gorvir, and gorfan, gorfir: dat. so-goro or so-guru adverbially = sic facto: the mod. part. gjörðr, gerðr, görðr, as a regular part. of the 2nd weak conjugation, which form occurs in MSS. of the 15th century, e. g. Bs. i. 877, l. 21. [This is a Scandin. word; Dan. gjöre; Swed. göra; Old Engl. and Scot. gar, which is no doubt of Scandin. origin, the Saxon word being do, the Germ. thun, neither of which is used in the Scandin.; the word however is not unknown to the Teut., though used in a different sense; A. S. gervan and gearvjan = parare; O. H. G. karwan; Germ. gerben, garben, but esp. the adj. and adv. gar, vide above s. v. gör-.] To make, to do; the Icel. includes both these senses.
    A. To make:
    I. to build, work, make, etc.; göra himin ok jörð, 623. 36, Hom. 100; göra hús, to build a house, Fms. xi. 4, Rb. 384; göra kirkju, Bjarn. 39; göra skip, N. G. L. i. 198; göra langskip, Eg. 44; göra stólpa, Al. 116; göra tól (= smíða), Vsp. 7; göra (fingr)-gull, Bs. i. 877; göra haug, to build a cairn, Eg. 399; göra lokhvílu, Dropl. 27; göra dys, Ld. 152; göra kistu ( coffin), Eg. 127; göra naust, N. G. L. i. 198; göra jarðhús, Dropl. 34; göra veggi, Eg. 724: also, göra bók, to write a book, Íb. 1, Rb. 384; göra kviðling, to make a song, Nj. 50; göra bréf, to draw up a deed ( letter), Fms. ix. 22; göra nýmæli, to frame a law, Íb. 17.
    2. adding prep.; göra upp, to repair, rebuild, restore, Fb. ii. 370; göra upp Jórsala-borg, Ver. 43; göra upp skála, Ld. 298; göra upp leiði, to build up a grave.
    II. to make, prepare, get ready; göra veizlu, drykkju, brúðkaup, erfi, and poët. öl, öldr, to make a feast, brew bridal ale, Fs. 23, Fms. xi. 156, Dropl. 6, Am. 86; göra seið, blót, to perform a sacrifice, Ld. 152; göra bú, to set up a house, Grág. i. 185, Ld. 68; göra eld, to make a fire, Fs. 100, K. Þ. K. 88; göra rekkju, to make one’s bed, Eg. 236; göra upp hvílur, Sturl. ii. 124; göra graut, to make porridge, Eg. 196, N. G. L. i. 349; göra drykk, to make a drink, Fms. i. 8; göra kol, or göra til kola, to make charcoal, Ölk. 35.
    III. in somewhat metaph. phrases; göra ferð, to make a journey, Fms. x. 281; görði heiman för sína, he made a journey from home, Eg. 23; göra sinn veg, to make one’s way, travel, Mar.; göra uppreisn, to make an uprising, to rebel, Rb. 384, Fms. ix. 416; göra úfrið, to make war, 656 C. 15; göra sátt, göra frið, to make peace, Hom. 153, Bs. i. 24; göra féskipti, Nj. 118; göra tilskipan, to make an arrangement, Eg. 67; göra ráð sitt, to make up one’s mind, Nj. 267, Fms. ix. 21; göra hluti, to cast lots, Fms. x. 348.
    2. to make, give, pay, yield; göra tíund, to pay tithes, Hom. 180; hann skal göra Guði tíunda hlut verðsins, id.; göra ölmusu, to give alms, 64; göra ávöxt, to yield fruit, Greg. 48; gefa né göra ávöxt, Stj. 43; göra konungi skatt eða skyld, Fms. xi. 225.
    3. to contract; göra vináttu, félagskap, to contract friendship, Nj. 103, Eg. 29; göra skuld, to contract a debt, Grág. i. 126: göra ráð með e-m, to take counsel with, advise one, Eg. 12; göra ráð fyrir, to suppose, Nj. 103, Fms. ix. 10; göra mun e-s, to make a difference, i. 255, Eb. 106.
    4. to make, make up, Lat. efficere; sex tigir penninga göra eyri, sixty pence make an ounce, Grág. i. 500, Rb. 458.
    5. to grant, render; göra kost, to make a choice, to grant, Nj. 130, Dropl. 6, Fms. xi. 72, (usually ellipt., kostr being understood); vil ek at þér gerit kostinn, Nj. 3; ok megit þér fyrir því göra ( grant) honum kostinn, 49, 51; göra e-m lög, to grant the law to one, 237; göra guðsifjar, to make ‘gossip’ with one, to be one’s godfather, Fms. ii. 130.
    6. special usages; göra spott, háð, gabb, … at e-u, to make sport, gibes, etc. at or over a thing, Fms. x. 124; göra iðran, to do penance, Greg. 22; göra þakkir, to give thanks, Hom. 55; göra róm at máli e-s, to cheer another’s speech, shout hear, hear! var görr at máli hans mikill rómr ok góðr, his speech was much cheered, Nj. 250,—a parliamentary term; the Teutons cheered, the Romans applauded (with the hands), cp. Tacit. Germ.
    7. with prepp.; gera til, to make ready or dress meat; láta af ( to kill) ok göra til ( and dress), K. Þ. K. 80, Ísl. ii. 83, 331, Fs. 146, 149, Bjarn. 31, Finnb. 228; göra til nyt, to churn milk, K. Þ. K. 78; göra til sverð, to wash and clean the sword, Dropl. 19; máttu þeir eigi sjá, hversu Þorvaldr var til gerr, how Th. got a dressing, Nj. 19.
    β. göra at e-u, to mend, make good, put right (at-görð), ek skal at því gera, Fms. xi. 153, Eg. 566, Nj. 130: to heal, Bárð. 171, Eg. 579, Grág. i. 220; göra at hesti, K. Þ. K. 54, Nj. 74: göra við e-u, vide B. II.
    8. adding acc. of an adj., part., or the like; göra mun þat margan höfuðlausan, Nj. 203; göra mikit um sik, to make a great noise, great havoc, Fb. i. 545, Grett. 133, Fms. x. 329; göra e-n sáttan, to reconcile one, Grág. i. 336; göra sér e-n kæran, to make one dear to oneself, Hkr. i. 209; göra sik líkan e-m, to make oneself like to another, imitate one, Nj. 258; göra sik góðan, to make oneself good or useful, 74, 78; göra sik reiðan, to take offence, 216; göra sér dælt, to make oneself at home, take liberties, Ld. 134, Nj. 216; göra langmælt, to make a long speech, Sks. 316; göra skjót-kjörit, to make a quick choice, Fms. ii. 79; göra hólpinn, to ‘make holpen,’ to help, x. 314; göra lögtekit, to make a law, issue a law, xi. 213, Bs. i. 37; hann gerði hann hálshöggvinn, he had him beheaded, Fms. ix. 488, v. l.; ok görðu þá handtekna alla at minsta kosti, Sturl. i. 40; várir vöskustu ok beztu menn era görfir handteknir, 41.
    β. göra sér mikit um e-t, to make much of, admire, Eg. 5, Fms. x. 254, 364; göra e-t at ágætum, to make famous, extol a thing, vii. 147; göra at orðum, to notice as remarkable, Fas. i. 123; göra at álitum, to take into consideration, Nj. 3; göra sér úgetið at e-u, to be displeased with, Ld. 134; göra vart við sik, to make one’s presence noticed, Eg. 79; göra sér mikit, lítið fyrir, to make great, small efforts, Finnb. 234; göra sér í hug, to brood over; hann gerði sér í hug at drepa jarl, Fs. 112; göra sér í hugar lund, to fancy, think: göra af sér, to exert oneself, ef þú gerir eigi meira af þér um aðra leika, Edda 32; hvárt hann var með Eiríki jarli, eðr görði hann annat af sér, or what else he was making of himself, Fms. xi. 157.
    9. phrases, gera fáleika á sik, to feign, make oneself look sad, Nj. 14; esp. adding upp, gera sér upp veyki, to feign sickness, (upp-gerð, dissimulation); göra sér til, to make a fuss, (hence, til-gerð, foppishness.)
    B. To do:
    I. to do, act; allt þat er hann gerir síðan ( whatever he does), þat á eigandi at ábyrgjask, Gþl. 190; þér munut fátt mæla eðr gera, áðr yðr munu vandræði af standa, i. e. whatsoever you say or do will bring you into trouble, Nj. 91; göra e-t með harðfengi ok kappi, 98; ger svá vel, ‘do so well,’ be so kind! 111; gerit nú svá, góði herra (please, dear lord!), þiggit mitt heilræði, Fms. vii. 157: and in mod. usage, gerið þér svo vel, gerðu svo vel, = Engl. please, do! sagði, at hann hafði með trúleik gört, done faithfully, Eg. 65; göra gott, to do good; göra íllt, to do evil, (góð-görð, íll-görð); ok þat var vel gört, well done, 64; geyrða ek hotvetna íllt, I did evil in all things, Niðrst. 109; hefir hann marga hluti gört stór-vel til mín, he has done many things well towards me, I have received many great benefits at his hands, Eg. 60: with dat., svá mikit gott sem jarl hefir mér gert, Nj. 133; þér vilda ek sízt íllt göra, I would least do harm to thee, 84: göra fúlmennsku, to do a mean act, 185; göra vel við e-n, to do well to one, Fs. 22; göra stygð við e-n, to offend one, Fms. x. 98; göra sæmiliga til e-s, to do well to one, Ld. 62, Nj. 71; göra sóma e-s, to do honour to one, Fms. vii. 155; göra e-m gagn, to give help to one, Nj. 262; göra e-m sæmd, skomm, to do ( shew) honour, dishonour, to one, 5, Fms. x. 43; göra háðung, xi. 152; göra styrk, to strengthen one, ix. 343; göra e-m skapraun, to tease one; göra ósóma, Vápn. 19; göra skaða ( scathe), Eg. 426; göra óvina-fagnað, to give joy to one’s enemies, i. e. to do just what they want one to do, Nj. 112; göra til skaps e-m, to conform to one’s wishes, 80; gerum vér sem faðir vár vill, let us do as our father wishes, 198; vel má ek gera þat til skaps föður míns at brenna inni með honum, id.; göra at skapi e-s, id., 3; var þat mjök gert móti mínu skapi, Fms. viii. 300; gera til saka við e-n, to offend, sin against one, Nj. 80; gera á hluta e-s, to wrong one, Vígl. 25; göra ílla fyrir sér, to behave badly, Fms. vii. 103.
    II. adding prep.; göra til e-s, to deserve a thing (cp. til-görð, desert, behaviour); hvat hafðir þú til gört, what hast thou done to deserve it? Nj. 130; framarr en ek hefi til gört, more than I have deserved, Fms. viii. 300; ok hafit þér Danir heldr til annars gört, ye Danes have rather deserved the reverse, xi. 192, Hom. 159:—göra eptir, to do after, imitate, Nj. 90:—göra við e-u (cp. við-görð, amendment), to provide for, amend, ok mun úhægt vera at göra við forlögum þeirra, Ld. 190; er úhægt at göra við ( to resist) atkvæðum, Fs. 22; ok mun ekki mega við því gera, Nj. 198:—göra af við e-n (cp. af-görð, evil doing), to transgress against one, ek hefi engan hlut af gört við þik, Fms. vii. 104, viii. 241; ok iðrask nú þess er hann hefir af gert, 300; göra af við Guð, to sin against God, Hom. 44.
    2. special usages; göra … at, to do so and so; spurði, hvat hann vildi þá láta at gera, he asked what he would have done, Nj. 100; hann gerði þat eina at, er hann átti, he did only what be ought, 220; þeir Flosi sátu um at rengja, ok gátu ekki at gert, F. tried, and could do nothing, 115, 242; þér munut ekki fá at gert, fyrr en …, 139; Flosi ok hans menn fengu ekki at gert, 199; mikit hefir þú nú at gert, much hast thou now done ( it is a serious matter), 85; er nú ok mikit at gert um manndráp siðan, 256; hann vildi taka vöru at láni, ok göra mikit at, and do great things, Ld. 70; Svartr hafði höggit skóg ok gert mikit at, Nj. 53; slíkt gerir at er sölin etr, so it happens with those who eat seaweed, i. e. that (viz. thirst) comes of eating seaweed, Eg. 605.
    β. göra af e-u, to do so and so with a thing; hvat hafið ér gert af Gunnari, Njarð. 376; ráð þú draumana, vera má at vér gerim af nokkut, may be that we may make something out of it, Ld. 126; gör af drauminum slíkt er þér þykkir líkligast, do with the dream ( read it) as seems to thee likeliest, Ísl. ii. 196: göra við e-n, to do with one; þá var um rætt, hvað við þá skyldi göra, what was to be done with them? Eg. 232; ærnar eru sakir til við Egil, hvat sem eg læt göra við hann, 426; eigi veit ek hvat þeir hafa síðan við gört, 574: göra fyrir e-t, to provide; Jón var vel fjáreigandi, ok at öllu vel fyrir gört, a wealthy and well-to-do man, Sturl. iii. 195; þótt Björn sé vel vígr maðr, þá er þar fyrir gört, því at …, but that is made up, because …: fyrir göra (q. v.), to forfeit.
    I. to do, help, avail; nú skulum vér ganga allir á vald jarlsins, því at oss gerir eigi annat, nothing else will do for us, Nj. 267; þat mun ekki gera, that wont do, 84; en ek kann ekki ráð til at leggja ef þetta gerir ekki, Fms. ii. 326; konungr vill þat eigi, þvi at mér gerir þat eigi ( it will not do for me) at þér gangit hér upp, x. 357; þat gerir mér ekki, at þér gangit á Orminn, … en hitt má vera at mér komi at gagni, ii. 227; þóttisk þá vita, at honum mundi ekki gera ( it would do nothing) at biðja fyrir honum, Fb. i. 565; engum gerði við hann at keppa, 571; ekki gerði þeim um at brjótask, Bárð. 10 new Ed.; sagða ek yðr eigi, at ekki mundi gera at leita hans, Sks. 625; hvat gerir mér nú at spyrja, Stj. 518; ekki gerir at dylja, no use hiding it, Fbr. 101 new Ed.; ætla þat at fáir þori, enda geri engum, Band. 7; bæði var leitað til annarra ok heima, ok gerði ekki, but did no good, 4; hét hann þeim afarkostum, ok gerði þat ekki, but it did no good, Fms. ii. 143.
    II. to send, despatch, cp. the Engl. to ‘do’ a message; hann gerði þegar menn frá sér, Eg. 270; hann hafði gört menn sex á skóginn fyrir þá, 568; þá gerði Karl lið móti þeim, Fms. i. 108; jarl gerði Eirík at leita Ribbunga, ix. 314; hann gerði fram fyrir sik Álf á njósn, 488; hann gerði menn fyrir sér at segja konunginum kvámu sína, x. 10; hleypi-skúta var gör norðr til Þrándheims, vii. 206; jafnan gerði jarl til Ribbunga ok drap menn af þeim, ix. 312; vilja Ósvífrs-synir þegar gera til þeirra Kotkels, despatch them to slay K., Ld. 144; skulu vér nú göra í mót honum, ok láta hann engri njósn koma, 242:—göra eptir e-m, to send after one, Nero bað göra eptir postulunum ok leiða þangat, 656 C. 26; nú verðr eigi eptir gört at miðjum vetri, Grág. i. 421; frændr Bjarnar létu göra eptir (Germ. abholen) líki hans, Bjarn. 69; síðan gerðu þeir til klaustrs þess er jómfrúin var í, Fms. x. 102:—gera e-m orð, njósn, to do a message to one; hann gerði orð jörlum sínum, Eg. 270; ætluðu þeir at göra Önundi njósn um ferðir Egils, 386, 582; vóru þangat orð gör, word was sent thither, Hkr. ii. 228.
    III. with infin. as an auxiliary verb, only in poetry and old prose (laws); ef hón gerði koma, if she did come, Völ. 5; gerðit vatn vægja, Am. 25; gramr gørr-at sér hlífa, he does not spare himself, Hkr. i. (in a verse); gerðut vægjask, id., Fs. (in a verse); hann gerðisk at höggva, Jb. 41; görðir at segja, Bkv. 15; görðisk at deyja, Gkv. 1. 1: in prose, eigi gerir hugr minn hlægja við honum, Fas. i. 122; góðir menn göra skýra sitt mál með sannsögli, 677. 12; Aristodemus görði eigi enn at trúa, Post.: esp. in the laws, ef þeir göra eigi ganga í rúm sín, Grág. i. 8; ef goðinn gerr eigi segja, 32; ef hann gerr eigi í ganga, 33; ef þeir göra eigi hluta meðr sér, 63; ef dómendr göra eigi dæma, 67; ef dómendr göra eigi við at taka, id.; ef goðinn gerr eigi ( does not) nefna féráns-dóm, 94; nú göra þeir menn eigi úmaga færa, 86; ef þeir göra eigi nefna kvöðina af búanum, Kb. ii. 163; ef þeir göra eigi segja, hvárt …, Sb. ii. 52; nú gerr sá eigi til fara, Kb. ii. 96; göra eigi koma, 150; ef hann gerr eigi kjósa, § 113.
    IV. a law term, göra um, or gera only, to judge or arbitrate in a case; fékksk þat af, at tólf menn skyldu göra um málit, Nj. 111; villt þú göra um málit, 21; bjóða mun ek at göra um, ok lúka upp þegar görðinni, 77; mun sá mála-hluti várr beztr, at góðir menn geri um, 88; málin vóru lagið í gerð, skyldu gera um tólf menn, var þá gert um málin á þingi, var þat gert, at … (follows the verdict), 88; vil ek at þú sættisk skjótt ok látir góða menn gera um …, at hann geri um ok enir beztu menn af hvárra liði lögliga til nefndir, 188; Njáll kvaðsk eigi gera mundu nema á þingi, 105; þeir kváðusk þat halda mundu, er hann gerði, id.; skaltú gera sjálfr, 58; fyrr en gert var áðr um hitt málit, 120; ek vil bjóðask til at göra milli ykkar Þórðar um mál yðar, Bjarn. 55; Þorsteinn kvað þat þó mundi mál manna, at þeir hefði góða nefnd um sættir þótt hann görði, 56; nú er þegar slegit í sætt málinu með því móti, at Áskell skal göra um þeirra í milli, Rd. 248; er nú leitað um sættir milli þeirra, ok kom svá at þeir skulu göra um málin Þorgeirr goði frá Ljósa-vatni ok Arnórr ór Reykjahlíð, sú var görð þeirra at …, 288; svá kemr at Ljótr vill at Skapti görði af hans hendi, en Guðmundr vill sjálfr göra fyrir sína hönd, skyldi Skapti gerð upp segja, Valla L. 225; eigi hæfir þat, leitum heldr um sættir ok geri Þorgeirr um mál þessi, Lv. 12; var jafnt gört sár Þórðar ok sár Þórodds, Eb. 246; þær urðu mála-lyktir at Þórðr skyldi göra um …, 24; ok vóru þá görvar miklar fésektir, 128; var leitað um sættir, ok varð þat at sætt, at þeir Snorri ok Steindórr skyldi göra um, 212; þit erut gerfir héraðs-sekir sem íllræðis-menn, Fs. 58: göra görð, Sturl. i. 63, 105: adding the fine, to fix the amount, þat er gerð mín, at ek geri verð húss ok matar, I fix the amount of the value of the house and (stolen) stores, Nj. 80; gerði Njáll hundrað silfrs, N. put it at a hundred silver pieces, 58; margir mæltu, at mikit vaeri gert, that the amount was high, id.; slíkt fégjald sem gert var, 120; vilit ér nokkut héraðs-sektir göra eða utanferðir, 189; hann dæmdi þegar, ok görði hundrað silfrs, 6l; síðan bauð Bjarni Þorkatli sætt ok sjálfdæmi, görði Bjarni hundrað silfrs, Vápn. 31; ek göri á hönd Þóri hundrað silfrs, Lv. 55; ek göri á hönd þér hundrað silfrs, id.; vilit þér, at ek göra millum ykkar? síðan görði konungr konuna til handa Þórði ok öll fé hennar, Bjarn. 17; Rafn kvað hann mikit fé annat af sér hafa gört, at eigi þætti honum þat betra, Fs. 30; Gellir görði átta hundrað silfrs, Lv. 97; fyrir þat gerði Börkr hinn digri af honum eyjarnar, B. took the isles from him as a fine, Landn. 123: adding the case as object, Gunnarr gerði gerðina, G. gave judgment in the case, Nj. 80; fyrr en gert var áðr um hitt málit, till the other case was decided, 120; þá sætt er hann görði Haraldi jarli, that settlement which he made for earl Harold, Fms. viii. 300: Flosi var görr utan ok allir brennu-menn, F. was put out ( banished) and all the burners, Nj. 251: metaph., nema þau vili annat mál á gera, unless they choose to settle it otherwise, Grág. i. 336.
    2. in the phrase, göra sekð, to make a case of outlawry, Grág. i. 118; eigi um görir sekð manns ella, else the outlawry takes no effect; en hann um görir eigi ella sekðina, else he cannot condemn him, 119.
    3. to perform; eptir-gerðar þeirrar sem hverr nennti framast at gera eptir sinn náung, Fms. viii. 103; en þat grunaði konung, at hann mundi ætla at göra eptir sumar sættir, i. e. that he had some back door to escape by, Orkn. 58 (cp. Ó. H.); allt þat er þér gerit nú fyrir þeirra sálum, id.
    V. special usages, to make allowance for; gera fóðr til fjár, to make an arbitrary allowance for, Ísl. ii. 138; hence, to suppose, en ef ek skal göra til fyrir fram ( suggest) hvat er hón (the code) segir mér, þá segi ek svá, at …, Fms. ix. 331; gera sér í hug, Fs. 112; göra sér í hugar-lund, to fancy; göra e-m getsakir, to impute to one; gera orð á e-u, to report a thing; þat er ekki orð á því geranda, ‘tis not worth talking about; eigi þarf orð at göra hjá því (‘tis not to be denied), sjálfan stólkonunginn blindaði hann, Mork. 14 (cp. Fms. vi. 168, l. c.); gera sér létt, to take a thing lightly, Am. 70; göra sér far um, to take pains; göra sér í hug, hugar-lund, to suppose.
    D. IMPERS. it makes one so and so, one becomes; hann görði fölvan í andliti, he turned pale, Glúm. 342; leysti ísinn ok görði varmt vatnið, the water became warm, 623. 34; veðr görði hvast, a gale arose, Eg. 128; hríð mikla gerði at þeim, they were overtaken by a storm, 267; þá gerði ok á hríð (acc.) veðrs, 281; féll veðrit ok gerði logn (acc.), and became calm, 372; görði þá stórt á firðinum, the sea rose high, 600; til þess er veðr lægði ok ljóst gerði, and till it cleared up, 129; um nóttina gerði á æði-veðr ok útsynning, 195; görir á fyrir þeim hafvillur, they lost their course (of sailors), Finnb. 242; mér gerir svefnhöfugt, I grow sleepy, Nj. 264; þá görði vetr mikinn þar eptir hinn næsta, Rd. 248.
    E. REFLEX, to become, grow, arise, and the like; þá görðisk hlátr, then arose laughter, Nj. 15; görðisk bardagi, it came to a fight, 62, 108; sá atburðr görðisk, it came to pass, Fms. x. 279; þau tíðendi er þar höfðu görzt, Ld. 152; gerðisk með þeim félagskapr, they entered into fellowship, Eg. 29; gerðisk svá fallit kaup, Dipl. ii. 10; Sigurðr konungr gerðisk ( grew up to be) ofstopa-maðr …, görðisk mikill maðr ok sterkr, Fms. vii. 238; hann görðisk brátt ríkr maðr ok stjórnsamr, xi. 223; Unnr görðisk þá mjök elli-móð, U. became worn with age, Ld. 12; sár þat er at ben görðisk, a law term, a wound which amounted to a bleeding wound, Nj. passim:—to be made, to become, görask konungr, to become king, Eg. 12; ok görðisk skáld hans, and became his skáld, 13; görðisk konungs hirðmaðr, 27; görask hans eigin-kona, to become his wedded wife, Fms. i. 3; at hann skyldi görask hálf-konungr yfir Dana-veldi, 83; vill Hrútr görask mágr þinn, Nj. 3; hann gerðisk síðan óvarari, he became less cautious, Fms. x. 414.
    2. with the prep. svá, to happen, come to pass so and so; svá görðisk, at …, it so happened, that …, Nj. 167; görðisk svá til, at …, Fms. x. 391; þá görðisk svá til um síðir, at…, at last it came to pass. that …, 392; enda vissi hann eigi, at þingför mundi af görask, in case he knew not that it would entail a journey to parliament, Grág. i. 46: with at added, to increase, þá görðisk þat mjök at um jarl ( it grew even worse with the earl) at hann var úsiðugr um kvenna-far, görðisk þat svá mikit, at …, it grew to such a pitch, that …, Hkr. i. 245; hence the mod. phrase, e-ð á-görist, it increases, gains, advances, esp. of illness, bad habits, and the like, never in a good sense.
    3. impers. with dat., honum gerðisk ekki mjök vært, he felt restless, Ld. 152; næsta gerisk mér kynlegt, I feel uneasy, Finnb. 236.
    4. to behave, bear oneself; Páll görðisk hraustliga í nafni Jesu, Post. 656 C. 13.
    5. to set about doing, be about; fám vetrum síðan görðisk hann vestr til Íslands, Fms. x. 415; maðr kom at honum ok spurði, hvat hann gerðisk, what he was about, Ó. H. 244; görðisk jarl til Ribbunga, Fms. ix. 312, v. l.; tveir menn görðusk ferðar sinnar, two men set out for a journey, x. 279; görðusk menn ok eigi til þess at sitja yfir hlut hans, Eg. 512; at þessir menn hafa görzk til svá mikils stórræðis, Fms. xi. 261; eigi treystusk menn at görask til við hann, Bárð. 160.
    6. (mod.) to be; in such phrases as, eins og menn nú gerast, such as people now are; eins og flestir menn gerast.
    F. PART. PASS. görr, geyrr (Fms. ix. 498, x. 75), gjörr, gerr, as adj., compar. görvari, superl. görvastr; [A. S. gearu; gare, Chaucer, Percy’s Ballads; O. H. G. garwe; Germ. gar]:—skilled, accomplished; vaskligr, at sér görr, Ld. 134; vel at sér görr, Ísl. ii. 326, Gísl. 14; gerr at sér um allt, Nj. 51; hraustir ok vel at sér görvir, Eg. 86; at engi maðr hafi gervari at sér verit en Sigurðr, Mork. 221; allra manna snjallastr í máli ok görvastr at sér, Hkr. iii. 360: the phrase, leggja görva hönd á e-t, to set a skilled hand to work, to be an adept, a master in a thing; svá hagr, at hann lagði allt á görva hönd, Fas. i. 391, (á allt görva hönd, iii. 195.)
    2. ready made, at hand; in the saying, gott er til geyrs (i. e. görs, not geirs) at taka, ‘tis good to have a thing at hand, Hkm. 17; ganga til görs, to have it ready made for one, Ld. 96; gör gjöld, prompt punishment, Lex. Poët.:—with infin., gerr at bjóða, ready to offer, Gh. 17; gervir at eiskra, in wild spirits, Hom. 11; görvar at ríða, Vsp. 24: with gen. of the thing, gerr ílls hugar, prone to evil, Hým. 9; gerr galdrs, prone to sorcery, Þd. 3; skulut þess görvir, be ready for that! Am. 55.
    II. [cp. görvi, Engl. gear], done, dressed; svá görvir, so ‘geared,’ so trussed, Am. 40.
    III. adverb. phrases, so-gurt, at soguru, so done; verða menn þat þó so-gurt at hafa, i. e. there is no redress to be had, Hrafn. 9; hafi hann so-gurt, N. G. L. i. 35, Nj. 141; kvað eigi so-gort duga, 123, v. l.; at (með) so-guru, this done, quo facto, Skv. 1. 24, 40; freq. with a notion of being left undone, re infecta. Germ. unverrichteter sache, Eg. 155, Glúm. 332, Ó. H. 202; enda siti um so-gort, and now let it stand, Skálda 166; við so-gurt, id., 655 vii. 4; á so-gurt ofan, into the bargain, Bs. i. 178, Ölk. 36, Fas. i. 85.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GÖRA

  • 17 adeo

    ăd-ĕo, ĭī, and rarely īvi, ĭtum (arch. adirier for adiri, Enn. Rib. Trag. p. 59), 4, v. n. and a. (acc. to Paul. ex Fest. should be accented a/deo; v. Fest. s. v. adeo, p. 19 Müll.; cf. the foll. word), to go to or approach a person or thing (syn.: accedo, aggredior, advenio, appeto).
    In gen., constr.
    With ad (very freq.): sed tibi cautim est adeundum ad virum, Att. ap. Non. 512, 10:

    neque eum ad me adire neque me magni pendere visu'st,

    Plaut. Cur. 2, 2, 12:

    adeamne ad eam?

    Ter. And. 4, 1, 15; id. Eun. 3, 5, 30: aut ad consules aut ad te aut ad Brutum adissent, Cic. Fragm. ap. Non. 208, 5:

    ad M. Bibulum adierunt, id. Fragm. ap. Arus. p. 213 Lind.: ad aedis nostras nusquam adiit,

    Plaut. Aul. 1, 1, 24:

    adibam ad istum fundum,

    Cic. Caec. 29 —
    With in: priusquam Romam atque in horum conventum adiretis, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 11, § 26 ed. Halm.—Esp.: adire in jus, to go to law:

    cum ad praetorem in jus adissemus,

    Cic. Verr. 4, § 147; id. Att. 11, 24; Caes. B. C. 1, 87, and in the Plebiscit. de Thermens. lin. 42: QVO DE EA RE IN IOVS ADITVM ERIT, cf. Dirks., Versuche S. p. 193.—

    adeunt, consistunt, copulantur dexteras,

    Plaut. Aul. 1, 2, 38:

    eccum video: adibo,

    Ter. Eun. 5, 7, 5.—
    With acc.:

    ne Stygeos adeam non libera manes,

    Ov. M. 13, 465:

    voces aetherias adiere domos,

    Sil. 6, 253:

    castrorum vias,

    Tac. A. 2, 13:


    id. ib. 39:


    Suet. Aug. 47:

    non poterant adire eum,

    Vulg. Luc. 8, 19:

    Graios sales carmine patrio,

    to attain to, Verg. Cat. 11, 62; so with latter supine:

    planioribus aditu locis,

    places easier to approach, Liv. 1, 33.—With local adv.:


    Sall. J. 14:


    Plaut. Truc. 2, 7, 60.—
    To approach one for the purpose of addressing, asking aid, consulting, and the like, to address, apply to, consult (diff. from aggredior, q. v.). —Constr. with ad or oftener with acc.; hence also pass.:

    quanto satius est, adire blandis verbis atque exquaerere, sintne illa, etc.,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 35:

    aliquot me adierunt,

    Ter. And. 3, 3, 2:

    adii te heri de filia,

    id. Hec. 2, 2, 9: cum pacem peto, cum placo, cum adeo, et cum appello meam, Lucil. ap. Non. 237, 28:

    ad me adire quosdam memini, qui dicerent,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 10:

    coram adire et alloqui,

    Tac. H. 4, 65.— Pass.:

    aditus consul idem illud responsum retulit,

    when applied to, Liv. 37, 6 fin.:

    neque praetores adiri possent,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 5.—Hence: adire aliquem per epistulam, to address one in writing, by a letter:

    per epistulam, aut per nuntium, quasi regem, adiri eum aiunt,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 6, 9 and 10; cf. Tac. A. 4, 39; id. H. 1, 9.—So also: adire deos, aras, deorum sedes, etc., to approach the gods, their altars, etc., as a suppliant (cf.:

    acced. ad aras,

    Lucr. 5, 1199): quoi me ostendam? quod templum adeam? Att. ap. Non. 281, 6:

    ut essent simulacra, quae venerantes deos ipsos se adire crederent,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 27:

    adii Dominum et deprecatus sum,

    Vulg. Sap. 8, 21:


    Cic. Phil. 14, 1:

    sedes deorum,

    Tib. 1, 5, 39:

    libros Sibyllinos,

    to consult the Sibylline Books, Liv. 34, 55; cf. Tac. A. 1, 76:


    Verg. A. 7, 82.—
    To go to a thing in order to examine it, to visit:

    oppida castellaque munita,

    Sall. J. 94:


    Tac. H. 1, 52.—
    To come up to one in a hostile manner, to assail, attack:

    aliquem: nunc prior adito tu, ego in insidiis hic ero,

    Ter. Ph. 1, 4, 52:

    nec quisquam ex agmine tanto audet adire virum,

    Verg. A. 5, 379:

    Servilius obvia adire arma jubetur,

    Sil. 9, 272.
    To go to the performance of any act, to enter upon, to undertake, set about, undergo, submit to (cf.: accedo, aggredior, and adorior).—With ad or the acc. (class.):

    nunc eam rem vult, scio, mecum adire ad pactionem,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 25:

    tum primum nos ad causas et privatas et publicas adire coepimus,

    Cic. Brut. 90:

    adii causas oratorum, id. Fragm. Scaur. ap. Arus. p. 213 Lind.: adire ad rem publicam,

    id. de Imp. Pomp. 24, 70:

    ad extremum periculum,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 7.—With acc.:

    periculum capitis,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 38:

    laboribus susceptis periculisque aditis,

    id. Off. 1, 19:

    in adeundis periculis,

    id. ib. 24; cf.:

    adeundae inimicitiae, subeundae saepe pro re publica tempestates,

    id. Sest. 66, 139: ut vitae periculum aditurus videretur, Auct. B. G. 8, 48: maximos labores et summa pericula. Nep. Timol. 5:

    omnem fortunam,

    Liv. 25, 10:


    Tac. A. 1, 39:

    servitutem voluntariam,

    id. G. 24:


    id. A. 4, 70:


    Tib. 1, 5, 39.—Hence of an inheritance, t. t., to enter on:

    cum ipse hereditatem patris non adisses,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 16; so id. Arch. 5; Suet. Aug. 8 and Dig.;

    hence also: adire nomen,

    to assume the name bequeathed by will, Vell. 2, 60.—
    Adire manum alicui, prov., to deceive one, to make sport of (the origin of this phrase is unc.; Acidalius conjectures that it arose from some artifice practised in wrestling, Wagner ad Plaut. Aul. 2, 8, 8):

    eo pacto avarae Veneri pulcre adii manum,

    Plaut. Poen. 2, 11; so id. Aul. 2, 8, 8; id. Cas. 5, 2, 54; id. Pers. 5, 2, 18.
    ăd-ĕō̆, adv. [cf. quoad and adhuc] (acc. to Festus, it should be accented adéo, v. the preced. word; but this distinction is merely a later invention of the grammarians; [p. 33] cf. Gell. 7, 7).
    In the ante-class. per.,
    To designate the limit of space or time, with reference to the distance passed through; hence often accompanied by usque (cf. ad), to this, thus far, so far, as far.
    Of space:

    surculum artito usque adeo, quo praeacueris,

    fit in the scion as far as you have sharpened it, Cato, R. R. 40, 3.— Hence: res adeo rediit, the affair has gone so far (viz., in deterioration, “cum aliquid pejus exspectatione contigit,” Don. ad Ter. Ph. 1, 2, 5):

    postremo adeo res rediit: adulescentulus saepe eadem et graviter audiendo victus est,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 61; cf. id. Ph. 1, 2, 5.—
    Of time, so long ( as), so long ( till), strengthened by usque, and with dum, donec, following, and in Cic. with quoad:

    merces vectatum undique adeo dum, quae tum haberet, peperisset bona,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 76; 3, 4, 72; id. Am. 1, 2, 10 al.:

    nusquam destitit instare, suadere, orare, usque adeo donec perpulit,

    Ter. And. 4, 1, 36; Cato, R. R. 67; id. ib. 76:

    atque hoc scitis omnes usque adeo hominem in periculo fuisse, quoad scitum sit Sestium vivere,

    Cic. Sest. 38, 82.—
    For the purpose of equalizing two things in comparison, followed by ut: in the same degree or measure or proportion... in which; or so very, so much, so, to such a degree... as (only in comic poets), Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 38:

    adeon hominem esse invenustum aut infelicem quemquam, ut ego sum?

    Ter. And. 1, 5, 10.—Also followed by quasi, when the comparison relates to similarity:

    gaudere adeo coepit, quasi qui cupiunt nuptias,

    in the same manner as those rejoice who desire marriage, Ter. Heaut. 5, 1, 12.—
    (Only in the comic poets) = ad haec, praeterea, moreover, besides, too: ibi tibi adeo lectus dabitur, ubi tu haud somnum capias ( beside the other annoyances), a bed, too, shall be given you there, etc., Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 80.—Hence also with etiam:

    adeo etiam argenti faenus creditum audio,

    besides too, id. Most. 3, 1, 101.—
    (Only in the comic poets.) Adeo ut, for this purpose that, to the end that:

    id ego continuo huic dabo, adeo me ut hic emittat manu,

    Plaut. Rud. 5, 3, 32:

    id adeo te oratum advenio, ut, etc.,

    id. Aul. 4, 10, 9:

    adeo ut tu meam sententiam jam jam poscere possis, faciam, etc.,

    id. ib. 3, 2, 26 (where Wagner now reads at ut):

    atque adeo ut scire possis, factum ego tecum hoc divido,

    id. Stich. 5, 4, 15. (These passages are so interpreted by Hand, I. p. 138; others regard adeo here = quin immo.)—
    In narration, in order to put one person in strong contrast with another. It may be denoted by a stronger emphasis upon the word to be made conspicuous, or by yet, on the contrary, etc.:

    jam ille illuc ad erum cum advenerit, narrabit, etc.: ille adeo illum mentiri sibi credet,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 2, 4 sq.; so id. Merc. 2, 1, 8 al.
    To the Latin of every period belongs the use of this word,
    To give emphasis to an idea in comparison, so, so much, so very, with verbs, adjectives, and substantives:

    adeo ut spectare postea omnīs oderit,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 65:

    neminem quidem adeo infatuare potuit, ut ei nummum ullum crederet,

    Cic. Fl. 20, 47:

    adeoque inopia est coactus Hannibal, ut, etc.,

    Liv. 22, 32, 3 Weiss.:

    et voltu adeo modesto, adeo venusto, ut nil supra,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 92:

    nemo adeo ferus est, ut, etc.,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 39.—With usque:

    adeo ego illum cogam usque, ut mendicet meus pater,

    Plaut. Bacch. 3, 4, 10:

    usque adeo turbatur,

    even so much, so continually, Verg. E. 1, 12; Curt. 10, 1, 42; Luc. 1, 366.—In questions:

    adeone me fuisse fungum, ut qui illi crederem?

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 49:

    adeone hospes hujus urbis, adeone ignarus es disciplinae consuetudinisque nostrae, ut haec nescias?

    Cic. Rab. 10, 28; so id. Phil. 2, 7, 15; id. Fam. 9, 10; Liv. 2, 7, 10; 5, 6, 4.—With a negative in both clauses, also with quin in the last:

    non tamen adeo virtutum sterile saeculum, ut non et bona exempla prodiderit,

    Tac. H. 1, 3; so Suet. Oth. 9:

    verum ego numquam adeo astutus fui, quin, etc.,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 2, 13.—

    Sometimes the concluding clause is to be supplied from the first: quis genus Aeneadum, quis Trojae nesciat urbem?... non obtusa adeo gestamus pectora Poeni, viz.,

    that we know not the Trojans and their history, Verg. A. 1, 565:

    adeo senuerunt Juppiter et Mars?

    Juv. 6, 59.—Hence (post-Cic.): adeo non ut... adeo nihil ut... so little that, so far from that... (in reference to which, it should be noticed that in Latin the negative is blended with the verb in one idea, which is qualified by adeo) = tantum abest ut: haec dicta adeo nihil moverunt quemquam, ut legati prope violati sint, these words left them all so unmoved that, etc., or had so little effect, etc., Liv. 3, 2, 7: qui adeo non tenuit iram, ut gladio cinctum in senatum venturum se esse palam diceret, who restrained his anger so little that, etc. (for, qui non—tenuit iram adeo, ut), id. 8, 7, 5; so 5, 45, 4; Vell. 2, 66, 4: Curt. 3, 12, 22.—Also with contra in the concluding clause:

    apud hostes Afri et Carthaginienses adeo non sustinebant, ut contra etiam pedem referrent,

    Liv. 30, 34, 5. —
    Adeo is placed enclitically after its word, like quidem, certe, and the Gr. ge, even, indeed, just, precisely. So,
    Most freq. with pronouns, in order to render prominent something before said, or foll., or otherwise known (cf. in Gr. egôge, suge, autos ge, etc., Viger. ed. Herm. 489, vi. and Zeun.): argentariis male credi qui aiunt, nugas praedicant: nam et bene et male credi dico; id adeo hodie ego expertus sum, just this (touto ge), Plaut. Curc. 5, 3, 1; so id. Aul. 2, 4, 10; 4, 2, 15; id. Am. 1, 1, 98; 1, 2, 6; id. Ep. 1, 1, 51; 2, 2, 31; 5, 2, 40; id. Poen. 1, 2, 57: plerique homines, quos, cum nihil refert, pudet;

    ubi pudendum'st ibi eos deserit pudor, is adeo tu es,

    you are just such a one, id. Ep. 2, 1, 2:

    cui tu obsecutus, facis huic adeo injuriam,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 4, 68: tute adeo jam ejus verba audies, you yourself shall hear what he has to say (suge akousêi), Ter. And. 3, 3, 27: Dolabella tuo nihil scito mihi esse jucundius: hanc adeo habebo gratiam illi, i. e. hanc, quae maxima est, gratiam (tautên ge tên charin), Caes. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 16:

    haec adeo ex illo mihi jam speranda fuerunt,

    even this, Verg. A. 11, 275.—It is often to be translated by the intensive and, and just, etc. (so esp. in Cic. and the histt.): id adeo, si placet, considerate, just that (touto ge skopeite), Cic. Caec. 30, 87:

    id adeo ex ipso senatus consulto cognoscite,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 64, 143; cf. id. Clu. 30, 80:

    ad hoc quicumque aliarum atque senatus partium erant, conturbari remp., quam minus valere ipsi malebant. Id adeo malum multos post annos in civitatem reverterat,

    And just this evil, Sall. C. 37, 11; so 37, 2; id. J. 68, 3; Liv. 2, 29, 9; 4, 2, 2: id adeo manifestum erit, si cognoverimus, etc., and this, precisely this, will be evident, if, etc., Quint. 2, 16, 18 Spald.—It is rarely used with ille:

    ille adeo illum mentiri sibi credet,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 2, 6.—Sometimes with the rel. pron.: quas adeo haud quisquam liber umquam tetigit, Plaut: Poen. 1, 2, 57; Cic. Fin. 2, 12, 37. —With interrog. pron.:

    Quis adeo tam Latinae linguae ignarus est, quin, etc.,

    Gell. 7, 17.—Adeo is joined with the pers. pron. when the discourse passes from one person to another, and attention is to be particularly directed to the latter: Juppiter, tuque adeo summe Sol, qui res omnes inspicis, and thou especially, and chiefly thou, Enn. ap. Prob.:

    teque adeo decus hoc aevi inibit,

    Verg. E. 4, 11; id. G. 1, 24: teque, Neptune, invoco, vosque adeo venti, Poët. ap. Cic. Tusc. 4, 34, 73;

    and without the copulative: vos adeo... item ego vos virgis circumvinciam,

    Plaut. Rud. 3, 4, 25.— Ego adeo often stands for ego quidem, equidem (egôge):

    tum libertatem Chrysalo largibere: ego adeo numquam accipiam,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 7, 30; so id. Mil. 4, 4, 55; id. Truc. 4, 3, 73:

    ego adeo hanc primus inveni viam,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 16:

    nec me adeo fallit,

    Verg. A. 4, 96.—Ipse adeo (autos ge), for the sake of emphasis:

    atque hercle ipsum adeo contuor,

    Plaut. As. 2, 3, 24:

    ipsum adeo praesto video cum Davo,

    Ter. And. 2, 5, 4:

    ipse adeo senis ductor Rhoeteus ibat pulsibus,

    Sil. 14, 487.—
    With the conditional conjj. si, nisi, etc. (Gr. ei ge), if indeed, if truly:

    nihili est autem suum qui officium facere immemor est, nisi adeo monitus,

    unless, indeed, he is reminded of it, Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 2: Si. Num illi molestae quippiam hae sunt nuptiae? Da. Nihil Hercle: aut si adeo, bidui est aut tridui haec sollicitudo, and if, indeed, etc. (not if also, for also is implied in aut), Ter. And. 2, 6, 7.—
    With adverbs: nunc adeo (nun ge), Plaut. As. 3, 1, 29; id. Mil. 2, 2, 4; id. Merc. 2, 2, 57; id. Men. 1, 2, 11; id. Ps. 1, 2, 52; id. Rud. 3, 4, 23; Ter. And. 4, 5, 26; Verg. A. 9, 156: jam adeo (dê ge), id. ib. 5, 268; Sil. 1, 20; 12, 534; Val. Fl. 3, 70. umquam adeo, Plaut. Cas. 5, 4, 23:

    inde adeo,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 1:

    hinc adeo,

    Verg. E. 9, 59: sic adeo (houtôs ge), id. A. 4, 533; Sil. 12, 646:

    vix adeo,

    Verg. A. 6, 498:

    non adeo,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 57; Verg. A. 11, 436. —
    With adjectives = vel, indeed, even, very, fully:

    quot adeo cenae, quas deflevi, mortuae!

    how very many suppers, Plaut. Stich. 1, 3, 59: quotque adeo fuerint, qui temnere superbum... Lucil. ap. Non. 180, 2: nullumne malorum finem adeo poenaeque dabis (adeo separated from nullum by poet. license)? wilt thou make no end at all to calamity and punishment? Val. Fl. 4, 63:

    trīs adeo incertos caeca caligine soles erramus,

    three whole days we wander about, Verg. A. 3, 203; 7, 629.—And with comp. or the adv. magis, multo, etc.:

    quae futura et quae facta, eloquar: multo adeo melius quam illi, cum sim Juppiter,

    very much better, Plaut. Am. 5, 2, 3; so id. Truc. 2, 1, 5:

    magis adeo id facilitate quam aliā ullā culpā meā, contigit,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 4, 15.—
    With the conjj. sive, aut, vel, in order to annex a more important thought, or to make a correction, or indeed, or rather, or even only:

    sive qui ipsi ambīssent, seu per internuntium, sive adeo aediles perfidiose quoi duint,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 71:

    si hercle scivissem, sive adeo joculo dixisset mihi, se illam amare,

    id. Merc. 5, 4, 33; so id. Truc. 4, 3, 1; id. Men. 5, 2, 74; Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 9: nam si te tegeret pudor, sive adeo cor sapientia imbutum foret, Pacuv. ap. Non. 521, 10:

    mihi adeunda est ratio, quā ad Apronii quaestum, sive adeo, quā ad istius ingentem immanemque praedam possim pervenire,

    or rather, Cic. Verr 2, 3, 46, 110; Verg. A. 11, 369; so, atque adeo:

    ego princeps in adjutoribus atque adeo secundus,

    Cic. Att. 1, 17, 9.—
    With the imperative, for emphasis, like tandem, modo, dum, the Germ. so, and the Gr. ge (cf. L. and S.), now, I pray:

    propera adeo puerum tollere hinc ab janua,

    Ter. And. 4, 4, 20 (cf. xullabete g auton, Soph. Phil. 1003).—
    Like admodum or nimis, to give emphasis to an idea (for the most part only in comic poets, and never except with the positive of the adj.; cf. Consent. 2023 P.), indeed, truly, so very, so entirely:

    nam me ejus spero fratrem propemodum jam repperisse adulescentem adeo nobilem,

    so very noble, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 123:

    nec sum adeo informis,

    nor am I so very ugly, Verg. E. 2, 25:

    nam Caii Luciique casu non adeo fractus,

    Suet. Aug. 65:

    et merito adeo,

    and with perfect right, Ter. Hec. 2, 1, 42:

    etiam num credis te ignorarier aut tua facta adeo,

    do you, then, think that they are ignorant of you or your conduct entirely? id. Ph. 5, 8, 38.—
    To denote what exceeds expectation, even: quam omnium Thebis vir unam esse optimam dijudicat, quamque adeo cives Thebani rumificant probam, and whom even the Thebans (who are always ready to speak evil of others) declare to be an honest woman, Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 44.— Hence also it denotes something added to the rest of the sentence, besides, too, over and above, usually in the connection: -que adeo (rare, and never in prose; cf.

    adhuc, I.): quin te Di omnes perdant qui me hodie oculis vidisti tuis, meque adeo scelestum,

    and me too, Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 122; cf. id. 4, 2, 32:

    haec adeo tibi me, ipsa palam fari omnipotens Saturnia jussit,

    Verg. A. 7, 427.
    After Caesar and Cicero (the only instance of this use adduced from Cicero's works, Off. 1, 11, 36, being found in a passage rejected by the best critics, as B. and K.).
    For adding an important and satisfactory reason to an assertion, and then it always stands at the beginning of the clause, indeed, for:

    cum Hanno perorāsset, nemini omnium cum eo certare necesse fuit: adeo prope omnis senatus Hannibalis erat: the idea is,

    Hanno's speech, though so powerful, was ineffectual, and did not need a reply; for all the senators belonged to the party of Hannibal, Liv. 21, 11, 1; so id. 2, 27, 3; 2, 28, 2; 8, 37, 2; Tac. Ann. 1, 50, 81; Juv. 3, 274; 14, 233.—Also for introducing a parenthesis: sed ne illi quidem ipsi satis mitem gentem fore (adeo ferocia atque indomita [p. 34] ingenia esse) ni subinde auro... principum animi concilientur, Liv. 21, 20, 8; so id. 9, 26, 17; 3, 4, 2; Tac. A. 2, 28.—
    When to a specific fact a general consideration is added as a reason for it, so, thus (in Livy very often):

    haud dubius, facilem in aequo campi victoriam fore: adeo non fortuna modo, sed ratio etiam cum barbaris stabat,

    thus not only fortune, but sagacity, was on the side of the barbarians, Liv. 5, 38, 4:

    adeo ex parvis saepe magnarum momenta rerum pendent,

    id. 27, 9, 1; so id. 4, 31, 5; 21, 33, 6; 28, 19; Quint. 1, 12, 7; Curt. 10, 2, 11; Tac. Agr. 1:

    adeo in teneris consuescere multum est,

    Verg. G. 2, 272.—
    In advancing from one thought to another more important = immo, rather, indeed, nay: nulla umquam res publica ubi tantus paupertati ac parsimoniae honos fuerit: adeo, quanto rerum minus, tanto minus cupiditatis erat, Liv. praef. 11; so Gell. 11, 7; Symm. Ep. 1, 30, 37.—
    With a negative after ne—quidem or quoque, so much the more or less, much less than, still less (post-Aug.):

    hujus totius temporis fortunam ne deflere quidem satis quisquam digne potuit: adeo nemo exprimere verbis potest,

    still less can one describe: it by words, Vell. 2, 67, 1:

    ne tecta quidem urbis, adeo publicum consilium numquam adiit,

    still less, Tac. A. 6, 15; so id. H. 3, 64; Curt. 7, 5, 35:

    favore militum anxius et superbia viri aequalium quoque, adeo superiorum intolerantis,

    who could not endure his equals even, much less his superiors, Tac. H. 4, 80.—So in gen., after any negative: quaelibet enim ex iis artibus in paucos libros contrahi solet: adeo infinito spatio ac traditione opus non est, so much the less is there need, etc., Quint. 12, 11, 16; Plin. 17, 12, 35, § 179; Tac. H. 3, 39.—(The assumption of a causal signif. of adeo = ideo, propterea, rests upon false readings. For in Cael. Cic. Fam. 8, 15 we should read ideo, B. and K., and in Liv. 24, 32, 6, ad ea, Weiss.).—See more upon this word in Hand, Turs. I. pp. 135-155.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > adeo

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